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Run-off, erosion, rivers etc. influence the coastal area, must be considered, for management purposes, together with the coastal zone. Management Management is the art and science of `looking after'. Let us recall some of the things happening to coastal zones these days: - destruction of lands, destruction of natural habitats; - upland water impoundment; - degradation of coral reefs, pollution of lagoons, discharge of oil into the sea; - dredging for sand, land reclamation; - over exploitation of fish and other living marine resources, algal blooms, eutrophication; - urbanization, high-rise construction, excessive tourism; - stress on the quality of life, welfare, education, health, housing, recreation, occupation, income of coastal communities. Each of these aspects requires looking after; however for sensible results these must be looked after in relation to each other, that is integrated management. According to Atchia 1995 ; there are four main processes in `looking after' or env i ro nmental management: - environmental monitoring; - environmental protection; - environmental resources planning and development; - environmental enhancement. Information, education, communication When a communicator the sender ; sends a message to another person or persons the receivers ; he or she may have several purposes in mind
5 A Modern Quilombo: Social and Economic Concerns on Mar Ilha de Mar has little and precarious infrastructure. When my colleague and I first arrived on Mar we were fortunate that the bay was high enough so that when we neared the island we were met by a smaller boat, which carried us from our boat to the island. At least that time we did not have to descend in the water and carry our luggage on our heads to land. One of the main problems in traveling to and from the island is transportation. There is only one port in one township of the island, Botelho; 8 thus, when people travel to any other township they usually have to descend from the boat directly into the water, and depending on where the tide is at that time of day, either walk or wade through the water to shore. In certain areas of the island, such as in Praia Grande and Santana, if the tide is high enough a boat can disembark close to shore so that people can jump off directly onto land; often, there also are smaller boats or canoes that can carry passengers from the boat to shore. Small rafts or canoes keep people dry but are not safe or convenient for all passengers. Because the boat cannot be kept completely still and because it is often filled to its capacity with passengers, people must secure themselves well so as not to fall into the water while jumping onto shore. The situation is further complicated for children, pregnant women, and sick passengers. Other problems regarding transportation have to do with movement within the island. There are no roads or spaces for cars, bicycles, or even horses on the island; therefore, most people walk everywhere including between townships--distances that are half an hour or more depending on the township and depending on the mar. If the tide is low, people walk over rocks, mud, and algae, and around holes. If the tide is high, people walk through these same obstacles only through water, and again the situation is more complicated for certain people. Further still, some electricity has only been available to certain parts of the island for little less than twenty years, thus much of the mar remains unlit making it nearly impossible.
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Of blood samples were dictated by the particular diagnostic requirements of the catheterization. Although the initial blood specimen was always obtained before the injection of contrast agent, subsequent samples were obtained after various lengths of time and after one or more injections of varying amounts of contrast medium. The average time after a single injection or the last one of a rapid series of injections and the subsequent drawing of a blood sample was four minutes. The blood samples were centrifuged immediately and the plasma was separated. Osmolality was determined cryoseopically with a Fiske Osmometer with an accuracy of 2 mOsm. L. Sodium analyses were made on the Baird flame photometer with an accuracy of + 2 mEq. of sodium. Renovist was analyzed in this laboratory and found to have an osmolality of 1, 815 mOsm. L. and a sodium concentration of 755 mEq. L. A solution of 25 ml. of Renovist was compared to an equiosmolal solution of sodium chloride with regard to their diffusion rates. Cellophane membranesu? were used as separators and the two solutions were placed in distilled water baths of similar dimensions. The sodium chloride solution reached osmotic equilibrium in six hours, whereas the Renovist required 24 hours to attain equilibrium.
10 Barst RJ, Rubin LJ, Long WA, et al. A comparison of continuous intravenous epoprostenol prostacyclin ; with conventional therapy for primary pulmonary hypertension. N Engl J Med 1996; 334: 296302. ` 11 Galie N, Manes A, Branzi A. The new clinical trials on pharmacological treatment in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Eur Respir J 2002; 20: 10371049. Miyamoto S, Nagaya N, Satoh T, et al. Clinical correlates and prognostic significance of six-minute walk test in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension: comparison with cardiopulmonary exercise testing. J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161: 487492. Sitbon O, Humbert M, Nunes H, et al. Long-term intravenous epoprostenol infusion in primary pulmonary hypertension: prognostic factors and survival. J Coll Cardiol 2002; 40: 780788. McLaughlin VV, Shillington A, Rich S. Survival in primary pulmonary hypertension: the impact of epoprostenol therapy. Circulation 2002; 106: 14771482. Channick RN, Simonneau G, Sitbon O, et al. Effects of the dual endothelin-receptor antagonist bosentan in patients with pulmonary hypertension: a randomised placebocontrolled study. Lancet 2001; 358: 11191123. Rubin LJ, Badesch DB, Barst RJ, et al. Bosentan therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension. N Engl J Med 2002; 346: 896903.
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Experts recommend using the least invasive surgical approach and avoiding general anesthesia if possible.3, 17, 18 We also advise that surgery be performed at a center with expertise in treating patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension, where worsening right ventricular function can be addressed should it occur.1719 High-altitude travel. Travel to high altitudes may induce hypobaric hypoxemia, leading to pulmonary vasoconstriction.20 Airline travel may also induce hypoxia and precipitate acute hemodynamic changes. Most commercial aircraft cabins are pressurized to 2, 400 meters 7, 874 feet patients with borderline oxygen saturation at sea level may require supplemental oxygen, and those already on supplemental oxygen may need to increase their flow rate. Patients should either undergo altitude simulation testing or use supplemental oxygen during commercial flights.21, 22 Pregnancy. Women with pulmonary arterial hypertension have a 30% to 50% risk of death during pregnancy due to associated severe hemodynamic changes. In addition, endothelin receptor antagonists such as bosentan Tracleer ; can be teratogenic.23 Although successful pregnancies have been reported in patients treated with inhaled nitric oxide or intravenous epoprostenol Flolan ; , most experts recommend that all pregnancies be terminated early.3 WHO NEEDS RIGHT HEART CATHETERIZATION, AND WHY? The American College of Chest Physicians recommends that all patients with suspected pulmonary arterial hypertension undergo right-sided heart catheterization so that an accurate diagnosis can be made. It is important to diagnose the disease accurately because pulmonary arterial hypertension is progressive and deadly and requires significant lifestyle changes, requiring lifelong therapy with expensive medications that do not cure the disease.24, 25 The diagnosis should be based on direct measurement of mean pulmonary arterial pressure and not on echocardiography, which has technical limitations even under optimal conditions.26 and bronchial!
Patients Sixteen consecutive patients treated with prostanoids for a minimum of 12 months Table 1 ; were included in this prospective, nonrandomized, open-label study. Patients were included when progressive pulmonary hypertension was noted despite prostanoid treatment. Progression of disease was defined as follows: 1 ; a decline of 15% in 6MWD compared with the individual best value, 2 ; a decline in cardiac index to 2 L min m2, and or 3 ; a failure to increase in cardiac index to 2 L min m2 despite prostanoid treatment. Patients with contraindications for bosentan, especially severe liver dysfunction Child Pugh B or C liver cirrhosis ; , were excluded from the study. All patients were receiving long-term oxygen, diuretics, and phenprocoumon; two patients additionally received oral nitrates; and three patients received oral trapidil a nonspecific phosphodiesterase inhibitor ; . Prostanoids were administered in the maximum dosage tolerated and were not changed for a minimum period of 3 months before addition of bosentan. All other medications, except diuretics, were also kept constant. Bosentan was administered starting at an initial dose of 62.5 mg bid. This dose was doubled after 4 weeks unless elevated liver enzymes were observed. Liver enzymes, serum bilirubin, international normalized ratio, and hemoglobin were monitored monthly. The study was approved by the local ethical review board of our institution. Informed consent was obtained from all patients.
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Under resting conditions, DHPG in extracellular fluid is thought to be derived mainly from net leakage of NE from storage vesicles, with subsequent oxidative deamination of the cytoplasmic NE, whereas during neuronal stimulation, the increment in DHPG production is thought to be from metabolism of releasedNE that has been taken back up into the nerve terminals 19, 20 ; . MHPG levels in biological fluids are derived substantially from extraneuronal 0-methylation of DHPG 21 ; . Since baseline microdialysate DHPG and MHPG concentrations were, if anything, decreasedin CORTtreated animals, the decreased NE levels were not due to enhanced neuronal reuptake of NE. The small, statistically nonsignificant fall in the index of noradrenergic turnover the sum of the NE, DHPG, and MHPG levels ; in microdialysate samplesfrom CORT-treated rats suggeststhat the decreased releaseof NE was also not and bumetanide.
Their social and economic status. The basic unit under this scheme is a group of 1015 poor women though the size may be smaller in different areas ; . The programme is implemented by the District Rural Development Agencies. Any economic activity suited to groups of women in line with their skills, aptitudes and local conditions can be taken up under the scheme. NGOs are also involved in the implementation of the programme and are supported by the Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology CAPART ; , an organisation set up under the Ministry of Rural Areas and Employment to coordinate the development work of voluntary agencies in India. However, due to poor backward and forward linkages, lack of spontaneous financial support and selection of nonviable activities, several groups of beneficiaries are no longer supported. TRYSEM: Established in 1979, the Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment is aimed at developing technical and entrepreneurial skills among rural youth from families below the poverty line aged from 18 to 35 years, to enable them to take up income-generating activities. Training given under this scheme is based on the needs of the area, and is provided at such training centres as the ITIs, community polytechnics, extension training centres, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, khadi and village industry boards, state institutes of rural development or institutions run by voluntary agencies. Training under this scheme is normally for six months, during which the trainees receive a stipend. Besides, financial assistance is also provided to the training institutions and master craftsmen. However the TRYSEM has a weak link with the overall strategy of self-employment. The training is generally not related to the capacity or aptitudes of the trainees and unrelated to the demand for a particular skill. Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana: Launched in October 1993, the Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana PMRY ; aims at providing wage employment and self-employment to educated unemployed youths aged between 18 and 35. The scheme envisages compulsory training for entrepreneurs for a period of 15 to working days for the industrial sector after a loan is approved. The scheme is targeted to provide assistance to 220, 000 educated youths during the year 1999-2000. An evaluation of this programme IAMR, 2000 ; revealed that it generates employment for about 2.4 persons per unit. The employment generation potential is found to be more in the case of industrial units 3.5 persons ; than in the service 2.2 persons ; and trade 1.9 persons ; sectors. Training has been useful for an overwhelming majority of the beneficiaries 81 per cent ; . Many more youth seek assistance under the PMRY. However, almost half of the total applications are rejected by the taskforce committees of the District Industry Centres DICs ; . The most important reason behind these rejections is inadequate technical skills. Therefore, the need for more training facilities is being increasingly felt by the youth before setting out on their ventures. Also there is a lack of publicity campaigns on the various aspects of PMRY like eligibility, fund availability, skills required and markets. As a result, there is little awareness among the youth about the scheme. Apart from the schemes mentioned above, there are various other schemes which offer informal apprenticeship as well as on-the-job training by various ministries. They are: Vocational Training in Krishi Vigyan Kendras Farm Science Centre. Vocational Training in Khadi and Village Industries Swarn Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna Stree Shakti Swarn Jayanti Sahari Rojgar Yojna Testing and certification of skills of workers engaged in the Informal sector DGET ; and many more.
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16. Ruth RC, Kennett FF, Weglicki WB: A new technique for isolation of particulate lysosomal activity from canine and rat myocardium. J Mol Cell Cardiol in press ; 17. Gottwik MG, Kirk ES, Hoffstein S, Weglicki WB: Effect of collateral flow on epicardial and endocardial lysosomal hydrolases in acute myocardial ischemia. J Clin Invest 56: 914-923, 1975 Gottwik MG, Kirk ES, Kennett FF, Weglicki WB: Release of lysosomal enzymes during ischemic injury of canine myocardium. In Recent Advances in Studies on Cardiac Structure and Metabolism, vol 12, edited by T Kobayashi, G Rona. Baltimore, University Park Press, 1978, pp 431-438 19. Kennett FF, Weglicki WB: Effects of well-defined ischemia on myocardial lysosomal and microsomal enzymes in a canine model. Circ Res 43: 750-758, 1978 Wharton DC, Tzagoloff A: Cytochrome oxidase in beef heart mitochondria. Methods Enzymol 10: 245-246, 1967 Sottocasa GL, Kuylewstierna B, Ernster L, Berstrand A: The electron-transport system associated with the outer membrane of liver mitochondria. J Cell Biol 32: 415-437, 1967 Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL, Randall RJ: Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. J Biol Chem 193: 265-275, 1951 Hillis LD, Braunwald EB: Myocardial ischemia. N Engl J Med 296: 1034-1041, 1093-1096, Weissman G: Corticosteroids and membrane stabilization. Circulation 53 3 ; : I-171-I-172, 1976 25. Welman E, Peter TJ: Properties of lysosomes in guinea pig heart: Subcellular distribution and in vitro stability. J Mol Cell Cardiol 8: 443-463, 1976 Willerson JT, Scales F, Mukherjee A, Platt M, Templeton GH, Fink GS, Buja LM: Abnormal myocardial fluid retention as an early manifestation of ischemic injury. J Pathol 87: 159-181, 1977 Powell WJ Jr, Wittenberg J, Maturi RA, Dinsmore RE, Miller WW: Detection of edema associated with myocardial ischemia by computerized tomography in isolated, arrested canine hearts. Circulation 55: 99-108, 1977 Roe CR, Cobb FR, Starmer CF: The relationship between enzymatic and histologic estimates of the extent of myocardial infarction in conscious dogs with permanent coronary occlusion. Circulation 55: 438-449, 1977 Decker RS, Poole AR, Griffin EE, Dingle JT, Wildenthal K: Altered distribution of lysosmal cathepsin D in ischemic myocardium. J Clin Invest 59: 911-921, 1977 Decker RS, Poole AR, Dingle JT, Wildenthal K: Effects of methylprednisolone on lysosomal cathepsin D in ischemic myocardium abstr ; . Clin Res 26: 3 ; : 482A, 1978 and buprenorphine.
REFERENCES 1 Rodriguez-Roisin R, Krowka MJ, Herve P, Fallon MB, on behalf of the ERS Task Force Pulmonary-Hepatic Vascular Disorders PHD ; Scientific Committee. PulmonaryHepatic vascular Disorders PHD ; . Eur Respir J 2004; 24: 861880. Krowka MJ, Plevak DJ, Findlay JY, Rosen CB, Wiesner RH, Krom RA. Pulmonary hemodynamics and perioperative cardiopulmonary-related mortality in patients with portopulmonary hypertension undergoing liver transplantation. Liver Transpl 2000; 6: 443450. Hadengue A, Benhayoun MK, Lebrec D, Benhamou JP. Pulmonary hypertension complicating portal hypertension: prevalence and relation to splanchnic hemodynamics. Gastroenterology 1991; 100: 520528. Krowka MJ. Hepatopulmonary syndrome and portopulmonary hypertension: implications for liver transplantation. Clin Chest Med 2005; 26: 587597. McGoon M, Gutterman D, Steen V, et al. Screening, early detection, and diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest 2004; 126: S14S34. 6 Badesch DB, Abman SH, Ahearn GS, et al. Medical therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension: ACCP evidencebased clinical practice guidelines. Chest 2004; 126: S35S62. 7 Tan HP, Markowitz JS, Montgomery RA, et al. Liver transplantation in patients with severe portopulmonary hypertension treated with preoperative chronic intravenous epoprostenol. Liver Transpl 2001; 7: 745749. Kuo PC, Johnson LB, Plotkin JS, Howell CD, Bartlett ST, Rubin LJ. Continuous intravenous infusion of epoprostenol for the treatment of portopulmonary hypertension. Transplantation 1997; 63: 604606. Halank M, Miehlke S, Hoeffken G, Schmeisser A, Schulze M, Strasser RH. Use of oral endothelin-receptor antagonist bosentan in the treatment of portopulmonary hypertension. Transplantation 2004; 77: 17751776. Halank M, Kolditz M, Miehlke S, Schiemanck S, Schmeisser A, Hoeffken G. Combination therapy for.
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6. Mukerjee D, St George D, Coleiro B et al. Prevalence and outcome in systemic sclerosis associated pulmonary arterial hypertension: application of a registry approach. Ann Rheum Dis 2003; 62: 108893. MacGregor AJ, Canavan R, Knight C et al. Pulmonary hypertension in systemic sclerosis: risk factors for progression and consequences for survival. Rheumatology 2001; 40: 4539. Humbert M, Chaouat A, Bertocchi M et al. ItinerAIR-HTAP: A French National Prospective Registry of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. J Respir Crit Care Med 2004; 169: A169. 9. Haas C. Pulmonary hypertension associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Bull Acad Natl Med 2004; 188: 98597. Pietra GG, Capron F, Stewart S et al. Pathologic assessment of vasculopathies in pulmonary hypertension. J Coll Cardiol 2004; 43: 2532. Budhiraja R, Tuder RM, Hassoun PM. Endothelial dysfunction in pulmonary hypertension. Circulation 2004; 109: 15965. Barst RJ, McGoon M, Torbicki A et al. Diagnosis and differential assessment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. J Coll Cardiol 2004; 43: 407. Murata I, Kihara H, Shinohara S, Ito K. Echocardiographic evaluation of pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients with progressive systemic sclerosis and related syndromes. Jpn Circ J 2006; 173: 744750. Leuchte HH, Baumgartner RA, El Nounou M et al. Brain natriuretic peptide is a prognostic parameter in chronic lung disease. J Respir Crit Care Med 2006. 15. Badesch DB, Tapson VF, McGoon MD et al. Continuous intravenous epoprostenol for pulmonary hypertension due to the scleroderma spectrum of disease. A randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 2000; 132: 42534. Humbert M, Sanchez O, Fartoukh M et al. Short-term and long-term epoprostenol prostacyclin ; therapy in pulmonary hypertension secondary to connective tissue diseases: results of a pilot study. Eur Respir J 1999; 13: 13516. Oudiz RJ, Schilz RJ, Barst RJ et al. Treprostinil, a prostacyclin analogue, in pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with connective tissue disease. Chest 2004; 126: 4207. Rubin LJ, Badesch DB, Barst RJ et al. Bosentan therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension. N Engl J Med 2002; 346: 896903. Denton CP. Dual endothelin receptor antagonism in pulmonary arterial hypertension related to systemic sclerosis. Eur J Clin Invest 2005; 35: AI72. 20. Barst RJ, Langleben D, Frost A et al. Sitaxsentan therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension. J Respir Crit Care Med 2004; 169: 4417. Galie N, Ghofrani HA, Torbicki A et al. Sildenafil citrate therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension. N Engl J Med 2005; 353: 214857.
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TSH and GH secretory profiles obtained from individual animals were subjected to the peak detection program PULSAR-PC 36 ; based on computerized algorithms 37 ; . The program's default parameters for G-values were used 36 smoothing time was 4 h for TSH and 8 h for GH. Data from experiments involving NRS NRS vs. NRS TRH-AS treatments were divided into two segments for Pulsar analysis: segment 1 consisted of TSH data obtained after the first infusion of NRS and before the second infusion of either NRS or TRH-AS; segment 2 consisted of TSH data obtained after the second infusion of either NRS or TRH-AS. TSH and GH data from Pulsar analysis, including mean hormone levels, pulse amplitudes, pulse frequencies, and interpulse intervals as well as TSH data from Clan experiments were subjected to analysis of variance, followed by Newman-Keuls test for multiple comparisons 38 and busulfan.
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Comparisons of 5-HT and sumatriptan with rizatriptan and L-741, 519. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1996; 42: 431-441. Parsons AA, Raval P, Smith S, Tilford N, King FD, Kaumann AJ, Hunter J. Effects of the novel high-affinity 5-HT1B 1D-receptor ligand frovatriptan in human isolated basilar and coronary arteries. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1998; 32: 220-224. Eglen RM, Jasper JR, Chang DA, Martin GR. The 5-HT7 receptor: orphan found. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 1997; 18: 104-107. Saxena PR, De Vries P, Villaln CM. 5-HT1-like receptors: a time to bid goodbye. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 1998; 19: 311-316. Dallas FA, Dixon CM, McCulloch RJ, Saynor DA. The kinetics of 14C-GR43175 in rat and dog. Cephalalgia. 1989; 9: 53-56. Cumberbatch MJ, Hill RG, Hargreaves RJ. Rizatriptan has central antinociceptive effects against durally evoked responses. Eur J Pharmacol. 1997; 328: 37-40. Goadsby PJ, Hoskin KL. Inhibition of trigeminal neurons by intravenous administration of the serotonin 5HT1B D receptor agonist zolmitriptan 311C90 ; : are brain stem sites therapeutic target in migraine? Pain. 1996; 67: 355-359. Goadsby PJ, Knight Y. Inhibition of trigeminal neurones after intravenous administration of naratriptan through an action at 5-Hydroxytryptamine 5-HT1B 1D receptors. Br J Pharmacol. 1997; 122: 918-922. Verheggen R, Freudenthaler S, Meyer-Dulheuer F, Kaumann AJ. Participation of 5-HT1-like and 5-HT2A receptors in the contraction of human temporal artery by 5-Hydroxytryptamine and related drugs. Br J Pharmacol. 1996; 117: 283-292. Kaumann AJ, Frenken M, Posival H, Brown AM. Variable participation of 5-HT1-like receptors and 5-HT2 receptors in serotonin-induced contraction of human isolated coronary arteries; 5-HT1-like receptors resemble cloned 5-HT1D receptors. Circulation. 1994; 90: 1141-1153. May A, Gijsman HJ, Wallnofer A, Jones R, Diener HC, Ferrari MD. Endothelin antagonist bosentan blocks neurogenic inflammation, but is not effective in aborting migraine attacks. Pain. 1996; 67: 375-378. Goldstein DJ, Wang O, Saper JR, Stoltz R, Silberstein SD, Mathew NT. Ineffectiveness of neurokinin-1 antagonist in acute migraine: a crossover study. Cephalalgia. 1997; 17: 785-790. McCall RB. Preclinical and clinical studies in migraine using the selective 5-HT1D receptor agonist PNU-142633, IBC's 3rd annual conference on migraine, Philadelphia and bosentan.
Yu, Ming, Venkat Gopalakrishnan, Thomas W. Wilson, and J. Robert McNeill. Endothelin antagonist reduces hemodynamic responses to vasopressin in DOCA-salt hypertension. J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 281: H2511H2517, 2001.--The contribution of endothelin to the changes in blood pressure, cardiac output, and total peripheral resistance evoked by arginine vasopressin and angiotensin II was investigated in deoxycorticosterone acetate DOCA ; -salt hypertensive rats by infusing the peptides intravenously before and after pretreatment with the endothelin receptor antagonist bosentan. Blood pressure was recorded with radiotelemetry devices and cardiac output was recorded with ultrasonic transit time flow probes in conscious unrestrained animals. The dose-related decreases in cardiac output induced by vasopressin and angiotensin II were unaffected by bosentan. In contrast, the dose-related increases in total peripheral resistance evoked by vasopressin were blunted in both DOCA-salt hypertensive and sham normotensive rats, but this effect of bosentan was greater in the DOCA-salt hypertensive group. In contrast with vasopressin, bosentan failed to change hemodynamic responses to angiotensin II. The exaggerated vascular responsiveness total peripheral resistance ; of the DOCA-salt hypertensive group to vasopressin was largely abolished by bosentan. These results suggest that endothelin contributes to the hemodynamic effects of vasopressin but not angiotensin II in the DOCA-salt model of hypertension. angiotensin II; bosentan; blood pressure; cardiac output; total peripheral resistance; deoxycorticosterone acetate and butorphanol.
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