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Did not reveal asymmetry P 0.2 ; , which suggests that few, if any, trials were missed by the search process.
Once coat lengthening mascara, charles of the ritz every last lash mascara, cover girl mascara, revlon colorstay lash color, ultima ii wonderwear mascara. Mechanisms. Ma huang is often combined with other herbal ingredients, such as St. John's wort, guarana caffeine ; , garcinia cambogia hydrocytric acid ; , and chromium picolinate.19 An analysis of the scientific literature indicates that the short-term use of ephedrine- and ephedra-containing dietary supplements has modest short-term benefits with respect to weight loss.20 However, there is also evidence that these supplements are associated with two to three times the risk of psychiatric symptoms eg, agitation, anxiety ; , autonomic symptoms eg, insomnia, tremor ; , upper gastrointestinal symptoms eg, nausea, vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux ; , and heart palpitations. Furthermore, case reports raise the possibility that the supplements may cause more serious adverse effects, including hypertension, myocardial infarction, seizure, and stroke.20 The FDA is currently reviewing proposals for mandatory warning labels and dosing recommendations on all ephedra products. In all cases, patients who choose to take these supplements should be informed of potential risks and be monitored closely. Physicians should be aware of over-the-counter OTC ; products for weight loss in order to provide appropriate counseling. Several Internet resources are available see Suggested additional reading on page 23 ; . All patients seeking weight loss should be queried about the use of OTC products so that safety and efficacy issues can be addressed.

Aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients is usually treated with amphotericin B, although its efficacy is limited with a response rate ranging from 33 to 54% in patients with leukemia or in BMT recipients 4 ; . Caillot et al. 5 ; reported that early diagnosis using CT along with earlier initiation of anti-fungal treatment improves the outcome and that the overall response rate to itraconazole was 75%. Our patient was first treated with fluconazole and itraconazole, because she had infusion-related side effects of amphotericin B such as fever and nausea at initial test dose. Itraconazole has the disadvantage of only being available in oral formulation and having variable absorption depending on the relationship of administration to meals. Blood levels of itraconazole should be monitored to ensure therapeutic concentrations. This was important in our patient who suffered from oral mucositis, which frequently prevented her from taking oral medications and who also had diarrhea and malabsorption secondary to chemotherapy effects on the bowel. Surgical resection of pulmonary aspergillosis is effective in properly selected patients. Salerno et al. 6 ; recently reported successful treatment in 69% of their patients by combining resection of the focus with appropriate anti-fungal drugs. Preemptive resection in patients liable to become neutropenic secondary to subsequent immunosuppression may be beneficial. Granulocyte transfusion was also effective in our patient. Acute pulmonary reactions were known to occur most typically during or shortly after an infusion of amphotericin B that followed granulocyte transfusion 7 ; . We separated the infusion of this drug as far as possible from the time of granulocyte transfusion. Invasive aspergillosis is not a universal contraindication to BMT. Ozsahin et al. 8 ; successfully treated invasive aspergil.

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Appfoiimataiy 150 persona attended a, card party given by St, John'i Episcopal Chapel guild of Littla 111ver Tuesday afternoon a t t bona * of Mr * , V, Parker Wilkinson of Little Silver Point, Tidbit sets were awarded as table prizes. Mrs, F r a n Qlles was general chairman of the party and was as * slated by t h following committees i Mrs, H a r r Klngiiey, tlcketa| Mrt, Wilkinsoa, Mrs, H i r a fl, Jaekaon, WHERE VILLAINS DRANK AND DIED Mrs, Daniel S. Welgand, Mrs, m, Stanley Marks, Mr , Marshall VanFroni this old This eld Inn, new a. fayorite soldier's musket, rendezvous at epleurflg, itfLBda at a, Inn, JTagaB himself was pursued to Wenekle, Jr., Mrs, * George Ruddy, bend in the road a t Adelphi * . I t Colt's Neck and there hanged and refreshments; -Mrs. Bdward WorthUur JHOUPB Tavern now; originally hii bofiy left swinging until erows ley, cards and talilesi MUs Julia Marrtner's Tavern, built in 1747 by picked bare the bonei. To this Old Parker, tables and chairs; Mf#, E, Qtorge MarrlBer who. In 1748, eto Inn the--wbbera-- me--from -the Stanley Marks, prizes i Mrs, Fred L, Bed the Atlantic frora Bnflsnd in a wooded caves In which they * often, Ayers, Mrs, O, P , Warden , Mrs, Reu. beat of his own eojlitruetion. In sueeeasfuny hid froni posses and ben Taylor, candy sales; Miss Julia the dangerous days of the Aaertoan detachments of militia sent to hunt P a r and" Patty Ruddy, special Revolution, patriots and Tories them flown. The 'inn passed from feature event, and Mrs, Joseph, T, drank and brawleS , st ihli canter of the Marrlner family in 1126 when White and Mrs, ' Qcorge Taylor, apron social and political activity. The it, with 4.3 acres, was sold for 590, table. Those present were, Mrs, S, B, Obi, eoBiBauBlty then was known aa Bli e Originally, there were hut two Ball. Hero the notorloua outlaws of rooms. To them, others were added Miss A, A, Ohl, Mrs, H a r r Shaw, 3ragn, "The Pine R o w waylaid OB beta' ends, from time to time. Mrs, H a r r Cook, Mrs, T, S, field, travellers and hire, In September, At one ptriod In Monmouth history, Sr * "S * T35--i, Marice, ; sr Mrs, a , K, ITTB, Fenian, one of the gang, Biet court was h e l tavern's pub- Swaekhamcr.'Mlss'M. B, Ayres, Mrs, Walter Prest, Mrs. Stewart VanVHet, . ' death at the muEEle of an American He room, . Miss BIHnor Wood, Miss Trudy VanMONMOUTH COUNTY P R S ASSOCTATioN, Vllet, Mrs, George LJndsley, Mrs, J, M, Sherwood, Mrs. A, o . Rowan, Mrs, H, B. Boland, Mrs, Georga Toung, Mrs, Fred Bunnell, J&rs, Ouncan atuColonel Dudley art, Mrs, Theodore Lyons, Mrs, B, J, Barry, Or, Seuider" Woelley, Mrs, Visits CCC Camp Joseph Cg. Parr, Mrs, Howard C, Taylor, Mrs, Austin MoKnlght, Mrs, JerColonel J * H. M, Dudley, commandlug the TStJi Divrsion, known as the ome Drew, Mrs, George Drawbaugh, Llghtnins. Division, and hii staff Mrs, James Stephenson, Mr * Marion Lack of Planes were recent guests of 'Lieutenant Hazel ton * Mrg, Oscar Uohtehsiein, " Forces .Closing Herbert A, Francis of Middle-town in rs, William J, T. Getty, Mrs, Wilan ofliela] Inspection Of the Civilian son Smith, Mrs. J. V, Tooker, Mrs, Conservation Corps camp at Chats * C. M, Woieott, Miss , Anna Laurie, TBi Jersey ASro club of Jumping Mrs, George 1%'lns, Mrs, S, J, Kesiler, Brook road, Hamilton, has been worth. The camp consists of 20G .Negrj? Mrs, Charles Allaire, Mrs, George fereed to close their njeffibirship rejig temporarily due to failure of boya, many of whom are from "Red Flaecda, Mrs, Clifford Humphrey, and ' vicinity * Lieutenant Mrs. Sdward Howell, Jr Mrs, F , L, the government, according to them t Bank to give any linaneial aid to flying Francis has been coalmen dod by his Niehslle, Mrs Victor l a t Mrs, F , superior officers for the high morii D, Hurley, Mrs, 1, 4D. Campbell, Mrs. clues, * H Goodapeed, The club, located1 nta Assury and physical, condition of the hoys L M.wKlenk, Mrs. J, G, . A, Quinaby, Park, has'had but one airplane since in his charge, The camp because of Mrs, J. ; Wylie, Mrs. Jones, Mrs, ArStahl, Mrs, ID. Its distance from other centers sup- Mrs, June 12, the other two planes having den Pest, Miss E. L Mackin, Mrs, W, ' been eraoksd up. With over 70 ports and mans its own fire depart- A, Frang, Mrs, E. J, Flaasgan. nseffibfera active In flying, tha limited Blent. Also Mrs, Edward W. Alien, r Mfs, Lieutenant ITranek recently made .faciUtlea of the elub force pilots to R, At-' w a i t , hours during week-endi for a tour of inspection of ths state Ernest Mrs.Thaw, Mrs, Benjamia Mrs, water, Gharles W. Billings, colony for feeble-minded boys at Edmund Ayres, Mrs, Harold Wood, thelf turn. The elub received"'a new 65 hofae- New Lisbon, where he was invited Mrs Harry Barnard Mrs. Chester power Piper cub Monday which will to address the faculty and many of Adams, Mrs, Joseph Curtis, Mrs, Increase "the facilities for flying. the Inmates on the functions and F r a Altschui, Mrg, Chester A. AlHowever, the club hopes that, inaS' methods of-ihaJQCfi berts, Mra, Harold liyer, Mrs, B a r r much as they have produced over 40 Angeio, Mrs. Robert Dean, Miss Ju"SfW pllots'thii'last year without gevlia Little, Mrs.JWilllam B. JfIntel. a r n financial aid, the govern, manD, Mrs, John Bates, Miss R u t will help them keep the luh atea Mrs, Richard Denbigh, Mrs. open by contributing, toward a the L, A. CoddingtoB, Mrs, Ch&riis Gotpurchase of a, third plane * Unf, Mrs. William B, Pratt, Mrs. Thomas CQOk, Mrs, J antes Smock, Mrs, L a T e ChjMCs DedicateaV Coggina, Mrs, Jessie CroMley, Mrs, S - B H thf A P F ThSii Mary S3. Johnston Memorial Kenneth Walker, Miss Ruth Parker, chimes, i s the Ocean Grove auditor * Th6 Pan-Aaerlean eomn.emora Mrs, George Silver, Mrs. B, C, Bale ium were dedicated Sunday by Br. tlve stamps keep coming. A single tailaj, Mrs. C. Edward Pahler, Mrii. George w , Henaon, president of the bright blue 15 eentavos is the con- F r a n Tiehenor, Miss Marian Force, Mrs. C, A, Wright, Mrs, A. C. Cowan, from Argentina, Ocean Greys Oampnieeting aesoela" tributionpf--the miigi of soeond " J rs.Jnha JUteh6n, Mrji 1 JgmiliQ Fan- largest South ilon, - The ehlmea were given by America, Inscription la "Union Pan Jul, Mrs. i, Cheiler, Mrs. L7~Piaf6w, J f k n gmUh in siemory o r his 1B4fl" a draw- Mr. I v r Bripga Mrs. y. P T lag of a laurel wreath surrounding Mrs, Frank' Sherwood, MfS, o i a r wife When you want' te realise cash for North and South Kemp. Mrs. Frederick Robinson, Mrs, something spfledjjy you can count, on America. Below Harry McQueen, Mrs, Thomas Voor-The Register want ad columns to da the drawing is his, Mra. Rebecca Taylor, Miss Tillie your selling for yau, --Advertisement, "iBo R e p bllca Hondrichsen, Mrs c, Irving PatterA r g e cor- on, 'Mrs, E. H, Boardman, Mrs. F, reos, " G, Ford, Mrs. Warren BmMK, Mrs, The stamp re- John Cowles, Mrs, Percy A, Qaddis, calls Argent1na * r r r Robinson Mrsr Harry--O, p e a . Ruoff, Miss Emma Jackson, Mrs. M, which started in L, Douglas, Mrs. L, A. Hayward, M a . 102 with erection E. F, Jones, Mrs, Benjamin Grate, of "The Christ of' Jr., Mrs, P. F . Little, Mrs, C, A, the Andeg" on' the Thompgon, Mrs, G. H. Lippineott, : Boundary w i t Mrs, Harold DeVqe, . Mrs. J a m Chile when the two finally stopped Parkes, Mrs, Lester Leonard and Mrs, t lighting. I t seems significant, too, Leon Conrow, ofTier~"neutranty7T.ow as-in-the-flrat World war, and may mean she does not intend to have her delegate to Philip Roy Namecl O n the Pen-American conference walk DUt again as he did at a stormy gig Bucknell D e a List slon In 1&SS. Philip H . Roy, son ef * Mr, andMrs Philip M, Roy af S#esnd street, F a i r The United States Fostoffioe De- Haven, has been Enamed to the dean'B partrneht sold several millioji dol- honor list at Bueknell university foif lars' worth of stamps to collectors high scholastic standing during the alone during the fiscal year ending second semester of the iSMMtO colJune 30, Postmaster General James lege year. , A Parley has announced. The PhilRoy, who will be * a junior a Buekatelic agency of the department was nell this fall, wag one of 46t sophoresponsible for l, 100, g70of the sales, mores cited on the honor list, 'which .We think, every * Still more were disposed of at the Is restricted to students achieving philatelic windows of large post- an academic average of 85% r betAmerican should efflces. * ter. be so happy' with P a y enrolled in the commere * The Monnmuth County Philatelic where he's living society met in regular session Friday and finance course and is a member of Sigma Chi, men's social fratern-, night. Notices for the meeting were that he'd want to mailed from Cheyenne, Wyoming, lty and an active member of Cap Wednesday morning of last week and Dagger, Buekneirs dramatle orbuy his summer and bore the first day official can- fanlaation. clothing right at cellation of the new three-cent commemor'atlve featuring the BOth anni- * One ef the quickest ways to And a to advertise la The Regishome where he versary of the admission of Wyom- job is Wanf-Department--Advertiseing to.fiatehooaV . : ter's t men lives.

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Amount Per These statements have not been evaluated by Serving the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent Total Carbohydrate 1 g any disease. Calcium as calcium sulfate ; 77 mg Guarana seed ; 800 mg and halofantrine There are studies that suggest this, but none prove guarana to act in a manner any different from caffeine or other stimulants.
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The sprayed spores displayed higher total cell numbers and smaller standard deviations, compared with the naturally adhered spores. The logarithmic reduction 46 units ; of colony-forming units CFU ; on the steel surface after the different CIP procedures measured with the swabbing clearly showed that the standard wash with alkaline and acid was the most effective washing procedure. With the enzyme-based agent no significant reduction in cell numbers was observed. The ozonated water displayed reductions between 13 log-units. All of these measurements showed lower reductions for the naturally adhered spores in milk compared with the spores sprayed without milk. The TTC method worked very well for low contamination levels, but all reference surfaces were overgrown and a quantitative value could not be obtained. This method also showed that the standard washing procedure was the most effective one. Using the enzyme-based agent the surfaces were still overgrown after the cleaning, while with ozonated water the reduction was estimated to be 13 log-units. Measurements of the remaining milk-soil were more difficult than measurements of the number of surviving spores, because all 3 CIP procedures evaluated are quite effective in removing milk-soil. It is difficult to find analytic methods sensitive enough for measuring the very small remaining fractions. Five different methods were tested and 4 gave poor results. The best results were achieved using the UV microscopy method, in which the area fraction of soil covering the surfaces was estimated. The most striking result was that spores without soil were shown to be extremely adhesive and almost impossible to remove with CIP procedures see also Husmark, 1993 ; . These results indicate that the standard wash was the most effective, followed by ozonated water and the enzyme-based agent. The contact angle method may be useful in the future, if the surfaces are measured directly after CIP and drying. The method is rapid, simple and sensitive; however, in this test the washed surfaces were rinsed in neutralizing solution before the contact angle was measured. Due to interference with the detergent present in the neutralizing solution, the results obtained were therefore not reliable. The SwabNCheck measured 4 units for the references and 0 for the standard wash and the wash with ozonated water. A slight change in colour could be registered from the enzyme-based agent. The ATP method gave more than 9000 relative light units RLUs ; from the reference surfaces and below 30 for all the other washed surfaces, which is equal to the background level. The macroscopic UV illumination gave a bright white-yellow shine on the reference surfaces but nothing could be seen after the cleaning procedures and heparin.

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This study was carried out on rats and it is not know if guarana extract has similar effects on humans. SOE and the Integration and Regional Programs Department INT ; jointly launched the Euro-Latin Study Network on Integration and Trade ELSNIT ; in 2002, creating a forum in Europe on regional integration and trade issues relevant to Latin America and the Caribbean. More than 90 centers from European countries are now included in the ELSNIT. The main objectives of the network are to generate research, studies and debate on regional integration and trade issues; draw on the extensive European experience; and increase interaction between European and Latin American researchers. A Steering Committee directs the activities of the network. Besides representatives of the Bank, it includes: the Centre for Research in International Economics CREI ; of Barcelona, Spain; the Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales CEPII ; of Paris, France; the Kiel Institute for World Economics of Germany; and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute of Florence, Italy. ELSNIT's approach is organized along three tracks: Macroeconomic Dimensions of Integration and Trade; Empirical Dimensions of Integration and Trade; and Institutional Dimensions of Integration and Trade. The network holds annual conferences in Europe and Latin America where selected papers by experts from both regions are presented and discussed. Each year the Steering Committee issues a Call for Papers and selects between 18 of these to be presented and discussed at the Annual Conference. Selected papers are included in an annual Papers Publication. The 2006 ELSNIT Conference in Paris was the fourth annual event since the network was launched in 2002 and hepsera. Guinea pigs 140225 g ; of either sex were obtained from Charles River Laboratories. Experiments were performed according to the guidelines of the Canadian Council of Animal Care. Animals were anesthetized with isoflurane and immediately killed by decapitation. The abdomen was opened, and the entire duodenum was removed from a point 1 cm distal to the pyloric junction to the ligament of Treitz. Preparation of Tissue The proximal duodenum was opened along the mesenteric border and pinned flat in Sylgaard-lined petri dishes with the mucosal surface facing upward. The tissue was covered with Krebs buffer in mM: 126 NaCl, 2.5 NaH2PO4, 1.2 MgCl2, 2.5 CaCl2, 5 KCl, 25 NaHCO3, and 11 glucose ; at room temperature, equilibrated with 95% O2-5% CO2. Submucosal preparations containing Brunner's glands were dissected as previously described 34 ; for guinea pig submucosal ileal preparations. Briefly, the mucosa was dissected to expose the submucosa, which was then dissected from the underlying muscle. Preparations 0.51 cm2 ; were maintained under continuous oxygenation at room temperature, and all preparations were used for experimental study within 4 h of dissection. Chronic Subdiaphragmatic Vagotomy Guinea pigs 200250 g ; were anesthetized, a laparotomy was performed, and the left and right vagal trunks were visualized just beneath the diaphragm. The vagi were completely severed, and animals were allowed to recover for 7 to 10 days so that distal vagal fibers would degenerate. Experimental Protocol Submucosal preparations were positioned with the mucosal surface upward in small organ baths 12 ml ; and continuously superfused at 15 ml min with oxygenated Krebs buffer warmed to 36 0.5C Fig. 1 ; . Videomicroscopy was used to monitor changes in the diameter of the acinus lumen to provide a measure of secretion, as previously described 18 ; . This system was originally developed for in vitro monitoring of changes in blood vessel diameter 20 ; . Briefly, the video camera captures the image seen through the microscope for analysis by computer-driven imaging software Diamtrak, T.O. Neild ; . The image is converted to gray scale and displayed on a video monitor. Cursors are superimposed on the image and centered across the acinus lumen, which is visualized as parallel dark lines by the software Fig. 1B, inset ; 18 ; . Our previous studies 18 ; have shown that exogenous application of secretogogues evokes mucin secretion from acinar cells and results in a concentration-dependent dilation of the lumen. Dilation causes the parallel lines to move apart, and the distance between the lines is tracked by the cursors and recorded on a chart recorder. The resolution of this system is 1 m, and the sampling rate is 15 Hz. Data were expressed as the percentage of the maximum response to 10 M carbachol. All drugs were added by superfusion. Glass focal electrodes tip diam, 2050 m ; were used to stimulate submucosal ganglia or perivascular nerves Fig.

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Table 3: Outcomes after unrelated HCT grouped by diagnoses ; % Donor CD3 cells UPN Disease + status Day 28 Day 56 SPN2292 ALL CR2 90 100 UL755 ALL CR2 83 88 SPN2292 AML CR1 100 65 UL676 AML CR2 85 100 UL652 AML CR3 100 FH15303 AML CR3 90 UL637 AML CR3 100 FH16411 AML CR4 100 UL665 AML PR2 75 80 UL668 AML prog 96 99 UL680 AML prog 95 99 UL692 AML rel1 100 UL656 CLL PR 100 UL698 CLL PR 88 86 FH16078 CLL rel 99 UL597 CML AP 75 80 UL641 CML AP 70 * UL670 CML AP 0 * UL672 CML CP 75 85 UL695 CML AP 100 UL709 CML CP 80 70 UL725 CML CP 0 * UL730 CML CP 90 93 UL735 CML CP 95 100 UL754 CML CP2 90 100 UC001 CML AP na 90 UC002 CML BC * * FH15764 Hodgkin disease rel 90 99 UL701 NHL refr B-cell 100 * SPN2219 NHL rel diff.large cell 100 FH13715 NHL rel MCL 10 40 FH16020 NHL rel MCL 59 43 UL744 NHL rel high grade T-cell 0 * FH15780 NHL PR MCL 99 100 FH17028 WM refr 81 90 FH15390 MDS RA 60 0 SPN2219 MDS CMML 65 30 SPN2264 MDS RAEB-T * * UL760 MDS CMML 100 FH11799 MDS RAEB * * FH15608 MDS AML CR 0 0 FH16391 MDS AML refr 0 FH15595 MDS MPS 43 65 UL664 MM rel 100 UL714 MM rel 90 and herceptin Endometriosis and infertility: a prospective controlled follow-up study in the baboon Papio anubis, Papio cynocephalus ; . Fertil Steril 1992; 59suppl: abstract P-043 ; presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, October 31-November 5, 1992 and guarana.
The cause of the long QT interval is not fully known. It is known that the heart valves work normally, the heart pumps blood normally, and that autopsies done on people who have died show no abnormalities. The new genetic research has shown that different abnormalities in different people can cause the QT interval to be long. It appears that the problem is caused by abnormal genes on the chromosomes that ultimately make the flow of salts such as potassium or sodium into or out of the heart muscle cells abnormal, so that the resting or repolarization phase QT ; of the electrical impulse of the heart is too long. In one family, it may be a potassium long QT problem, while in another family it may be a sodium long QT problem. Other problems may be discovered with further research and hms.
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MONDAYS Jaime Aff Jam Session Puppets 9: 15 Ron Affif Trio Zinc Bar 9, 11pm, 12: Dave Allen Group Push Caf 8 Gene Bertoncini La Madeleine 7: 30 ALSO SUNDAYS ; Rick Bogart Trio Seppi's 8: 30 ALSO WED-THURS SAT-SUN ; Jim Campilongo The Living Room 11 Carter-Davis Ensemble Judi's 8 Joe Cohn Harry Allen Quartet Zuni 8 free Steve Coleman Presents Jazz Gallery 9 Patrick Cornelius Lou Garrett Quartet Mona Lounge 9 Eddy Davis New Orleans Jazz Band The Carlyle 8: 45 Rachel Eckroth Trio Cornerstone Pub 5 John Farnsworth Jazz Jam Smoke 9: 30 Jeanne Geis Carnegie Club 9 Harlem Renaissance Orchestra Swing 46 8: 30 Patience Higgins Lenox Lounge 9: 30 Ari Hoenig Group Smalls 9 12 JJA Jazz Jam Local 802 7 Nathan Lucas Trio Perk's Restaurant 8 Jon Notar Buona Sera 7 ALSO TUE, THU, SAT ; Don Slatoff's Jazz Circus EZ's Woodshed 5: 30 Bill Saxton Uptown Allstars Minton's 9, 10: 30 Vanguard Jazz Orchestra Village Vanguard 9: 30, 11: Melvin Vines Kortet with Kay Mori St. Nick's Pub 10 TUESDAYS Tom Abbott Big Bang Big Band Swing 46 8: 30 Jordan Brooks The Park 8 David Berger & The Sultans of Swing Birdland 9, 11 Sedric Choukroun Seppi's 8: 30 Seleno Clarke Trio Perk's Restaurant 8 Anat Cohen & Friends Jules Bistro 8: 30, 10 Jesse Elder Quintet The Mean Fiddler 8 Espriens Caf Charbon 10 - 1 free Joel Frahm Bar Next Door 8 Hammond B3 Organ Grooves Smoke 9, 11 pm, 12: 30 Yuichi Hirakawa Trio Arthur's Tavern 7, 8: 30 David Kikoski and friends Cachaa New York 9, 11 1 Loston Harris The Carlyle 9: 30 ALSO WED-SAT ; LaRes' JazzFever Creole 9: 30 Mingus Big Band Iridium 8, 10: 30 Karin Okada Anyway Caf Brooklyn 9 Annie Ross The Metropolitan Room 7 Dred Scott Trio Rockwood Music Hall 12 Rich Siegel Stonewall Bistro 7: 30 Bobby Porcelli Quintet EZ's Woodshed 5: 30 Jenny Scheinman; Slavic Soul Party Barbs 7, 9 Travis Sullivan Trio Tagine 9 Julius Tolentino Jam Cleopatra's Needle 8 WEDNESDAYS Greg Bandy Group St. Nick's Pub 10 Stacy Dillard cPhyve No Malice Palace 9 Jesse Elder solo Divertimento Bistro 8 ALSO THU & FRI ; Rick Germanson Duo Ruth's Chris Steakhouse 6 ALSO THU-SAT ; Patience Higgins Sugar Hill Quartet Minton's 9, 10: 30 Jonathan Kreisberg Bar Next Door 8 Nathan & Max Lucas Organ Trio Lenox Lounge 6 Joe Magnarelli Group Smalls 12 Ryan Meagher Jam Marc's Lounge 10 Laurent Medelgi Due Amici 8pm Jacob Melchior Philip Marie 7 Bob Mocarsky Trio; Noah Haidu EZ's Woodshed 2, 5: 30 David Ostwald's Louis Armstrong Centennial Band Birdland 5: 30 Titus Ribas & The House Cats Cachaa New York 9, 11 1 Avi Rothbard Ethiopian Restaurant 7: 30 Mansoor Sabree Quartet with Ben Dixon Folukies 7 Pini Shavit Trio Louis 649 9 SNQ Jazz Composers Jam Session Sin Sin Leopard Lounge 9 Open Mic with Jon Weiss Duo Giovanni's Atrium 6 Jerry Weldon Trio Smoke 8: 30, 10, Bill Wurtzel Tokyo Pop 7 ALSO THU ; THURSDAYS Chinwag Candela Restaurant 7 Sedric Choukroun Brasserie Jullien 7: 30 ALSO FRI, SAT ; Duane Eubanks Late Night Session Sweet Rhythm 11: 30 Avram Fefer Trio Le Pere Pinard 9 Felix Swing Band Swing 46 8: 30 Lucy Galliher Open Mic Perk's Restaurant 8 Greg Glassman Quartet Spiegel 2 ALSO SAT ; Gerald Hayes and the Qualified Gents Minton's 9, 10: 30 Justin Lees Guitar Duo Mr. Babbington's 7 Dwayne Clemons Quartet Smalls 12 Barbara Rosene Times Square Brewery 8 Thos Shipley New Leaf Caf 7: 30, 9: free Tammy Shoji Open Jam Cleopatra's Needle 12 Andy Statman Greenwich Village Synagogue 8 Straight Street Quartet Shutters Caf 8 Sugartones Brass Band Jacques-Imo's 8 Will Vinson Bar Next Door 8 Eri Yamamoto Trio Arthur's Tavern 7 ALSO FRI & SAT ; Lonnie Youngblood Frank's Cocktail Lounge FRIDAYS David Ashkenazy Trio CHINA1 7 ALSO SAT, SUN ; George Braith Quartet with David Weiss University of the Streets 10 Andy Brown Petra Jensen Osterua Del Sole 1 Mike Davis Quintet St. Nick's Pub 10 Kelly Friesen Quartet Shelly's 8: 30 Jan Leder Trio La Prima Donna 8: 30 ALSO SAT ; Jason Marshall EZ's Woodshed 2 Oren Nieman Quartet Roth's Steakhouse 10 NY Sax: Steve Wirts, Gene Perla, Bryson Kern Hallo Berlin 5: 30 Bill Saxton and Friends Bill's Place 10 Donald Smith St. Nick's Pub 10 SATURDAYS Andy Brown Petra Jensen Osterua Del Sole 1 Joe Cohn Wayne Roberts City Crab 1 ALSO SUN ; Alex Donner Big Band Caf Carlyle 5: 30 Ted Hefko Quartet Antique Garage 1: 30 ALSO SUN ; Whitney Moulton Brian Cashwell Perk's Restaurant 7 Iris Onig Chuck Jennings Duo Dodo 12 Jazz Jam with Michael Vitali Group ICU Bar 4 SUNDAYS Mike Cassedy, Dylan Heaney, Ben Campbell Williamsburgh Caf 7 DuoMotief: Jane Blackstone Steve Blum Joey Thai 8 Toru Dodo Jam Cleopatra's Needle 4 Jesse Elder Duo Buona Sera 12 Marjorie Eliot Rudell Drears Sedric Choukroun Parlor Entertainment 4 Eli Fountain's Organizers Minton's 9, 10: 30 The Grassroots Effort Grassroots Tavern 7: 30 Lafayette Harris Trio Lenox Lounge 7 Lezlie Harrison Jam with Saul Rubin Trio Frank's Cocktail Lounge 8 Ari Hoenig Trio Louis 649 9 Michael Howell Andy McCloud Village Restaurant 12: 30 Satoshi Inoue Trio Sushi Samba 1 Satoshi Inoue Duo Roth's Steakhouse 6 Jon Kellso Hot 4 The Ear Inn 8 Bob Kindred, John Hart, Steve LaSpina Caf Loup 12: 30 John McNeil Bill McHenry Quartet Biscuit BBQ 9 Peter Mazza Bar Next Door 8 Alex Minasian Trio Professor Thom's 12 Nick Moran Kevin Thomas Gravy 11 Chico O'Farrill's AfroCuban Jazz Big Band Birdland 9, 11 Iris Ornig Trio Caffe De Mare 6 Myrna Lake w Jon Roche trio; Spike Wilner Group Smalls 7, 9 TC III St. Nick's Pub 10: 30 Bob Ward Kelly Friesen One91 12 Chris Washburne's SYOTOS Band Smoke 9, 11 pm, 12: 30 am.

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