Nitazoxanide and hepatitis c
Received March 15, 2002. Accepted for publication November 18, 2002. Acknowledgments: We thank R. Miranda and A. Romero for critical review of the manuscript; Laboratorios Columbia S.A. de C.V., Mxico, for providing the nitazoxanide; T. Aguirre for invaluable assistance in the field; and A. Gmez, the late G. Hernndez, and A. Morales for their outstanding technical assistance. 1. Rossignol JF, Cavier R, 1975. New derivative of 2-benzamido-5nitrothiols. Chem Abs 83: 28216. 2. Rossignol JF, Maisonneuve H, 1984. Nitazoxanide in the treatment of Taenia saginata and Hymenolepis nana infections. J Trop Med Hyg 33: 511512. 3. Rossignol JF, Abaza H, Friedman H, 1998. Successful treatment of fasciolosis with nitazoxanide. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 92: 103104. 4. Doumbo O, Rossignol JF, Pichard E, Traore HA, Dembele M, Diakite M, Traore F, Diallo DA, 1997. Nitazoxanide in the treatment of cryptosporidial diarrhea and other intestinal parasitic infections associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in tropical Africa. J Trop Med Hyg 56: 637639. 5. Romero CR, Robert GL, Muoz GMR, Geyne CA, 1997. Nitazoxanide for the treatment of intestinal protozoan and helminthic infections in Mexico. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 91: 701 703. Abaza H, El-Zayali A, Kabil SM, Rizk H, 1998. Nitazoxanide in the treatment of patients with intestinal protozoan and helminthic infections: a report on 546 patients in Egypt. Curr Ther Res 59: 116121. 7. Garcia L, Bullock-Iacullo S, Fritsche T, Healy G, McAuley J, Neimeister R, Palmer J, Wilson M, Wong J, 1997. Procedures for Recovery and Identification of Parasites from the Intestinal Tract. Approved Guideline. Wayne, PA: National Committee for Clinical and Laboratory Standards, 17: 8-10 and 25-27. 8. Biagi F, Portilla J, 1957. Comparison of methods of examining stools for parasites. J Trop Med Hyg 6: 906911. 9. Henriksen SA, Pohlenz JFL, 1981. Staining cryptosporidia by a modified Ziehl-Nielsen technique. Acta Vet Scand 22: 594596. 10. Ortiz J, Ayoub A, Gargala G, Chegne N, Favennec L, 2001. Randomized clinical study of nitazoxanide compared to metronidazole in the treatment of symptomatic giardiasis in children from northern Peru. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 15: 1409 1415.
Pearson TA. The undertreatment of LDL-cholesterol: addressing the challenge. Int J Cardiol 2000; 74 suppl ; : S23-S28. Bowker TJ, Clayton TC, Ingham J, McLennan NR, Hobson HL, Pyke SD, Schofield B, Wood DA. A British Cardiac Society survey of the potential for the secondary prevention of coronary disease: ASPIRE Action on Secondary Prevention through Intervention to Reduce Events ; . Heart 1996; 75: 334-42. Blair TP, Bryant FJ, Bocuzzi S. Treatment of hypercholesterolemia by a clinical nurse using a stepped-care protocol in a nonvolunteer population. Arch Intern Med 1988; 148: 1046-8. DeBusk RF, Miller NH, Superko HR, Dennis CA, Thomas RJ, Lew HT, Berger WE III, Heller RS, Rompf J, Gee D, Kraemer HC, Bandura A, Ghandour G, Clark M, Shah RV, Fisher L, Taylor CB. A case-management system for coronary risk factor modification after acute myocardial infarction. Ann Intern Med 1994; 120: 721-9. Fonorow GC, Gawlinski A. Rationale and design of the Cardiac Hospitalization Atherosclerosis Management Program at the University of California Los Angeles. J Cardiol 2000; 85: 10A-7A. Hoogwerf BJ, Frolkis JP, Pearce GP, Vidt D, Pashkow FJ, Cross JA, Sprecher DL. Use of treatment algorithms by physician extenders in a preventive cardiology clinic for LDL-cholesterol, blood pressure, and HbA1c in diabetic patients. Circulation 1999; 100: I-100. LaBresh KA, Owen P, Alteri C, Reilly S, Albright PS, Hordes AR, Shaftel PA, Noonan TE, Stoukides CA, Kaul AF. Secondary prevention in a cardiology group practice and hospital setting after a heart-care initiative. J Cardiol 2000; 85: 23A-9A. Schectman G, Wolff N, Byrd JC, Hiatt JG, Hartz A. Physician extenders for cost-effective management of hypercholesterolemia. J Gen Intern Med 1996; 11: 277-86. Shaffer J, Wexler J. Reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in an ambulatory care system: results of a multidisciplinary collaborative practice lipid clinic compared with traditional physician-based care. Arch Intern Med 1995; 155: 2330-5. Stuart-Shor E, Skinner SS, Kemper AJ, McCleary NC, Clark SJ, Waldman HM. A nurse-directed, community based, integrated multiple cardiac risk reduction program: physiologic and behavioral outcomes [Abstract]. Circulation 1999; 100: I-100. Thomas TS. Improving care with nurse case managers: practical aspects of designing lipid clinics. J Cardiol 1997; 80: 62H-5H. Urquhart J. Correlates of variable patient compliance in drug trials: relevance in the new health care environment. Adv Drug Res 1995; 26: 237-57.
Nitazoxanide treatment drug
Autologous ASCT ; and allogeneic stem cell transplantation allo-SCT ; is considered as another treatment options for patients with B- CLL. Results of ASCT in CLL are conflicting and the place for this procedure in CLL remains under debate. Initial results of conventional allogeneic transplantation allo-SCT ; showed an unacceptably high mortality, but did show that cure was possible in some patients [229]. A proposal for choosing patients who are preferred for allo-SCT was recently released by an international expert panel [230]. Key elements of the consensus are: 1 ; 2 ; allo-SCT is a procedure with evidence-based efficacy in poor-risk CLL; allo-SCT is a reasonable treatment option for younger patients with i ; nonresponse or early relapse within 12 months ; after purine analogues, ii ; relapse within 24 months after having achieved a response with purine-analogue-based.
Nonorganic origin 307.59 perverted 307.52 hysterical 300.11 Apprehension, apprehensiveness abnormal ; state ; 300.00 specified type NEC 300.09 Approximal wear 521.1 Apraxia classic ; ideational ; ideokinetic ; ideomotor ; motor ; 784.69 oculomotor, congenital 379.51 verbal 784.69 Aptyalism 527.7 Aqueous misdirection 365.83 Arabicum elephantiasis see also Infestation, filarial ; 125.9 Arachnidism 989.5 Arachnitis - see Meningitis Arachnodactyly 759.82 Arachnoidism 989.5 Arachnoiditis acute ; adhesive ; basic ; brain ; cerebrospinal ; chiasmal ; chronic ; spinal ; see also Meningitis ; 322.9 meningococcal chronic ; 036.0 syphilitic 094.2 tuberculous see also Tuberculosis, meninges ; 013.0 Araneism 989.5 Arboencephalitis, Australian 062.4 Arborization block heart ; 426.6 Arbor virus, arbovirus infection ; NEC 066.9 ARC 042 Arches - see condition Arcuatus uterus 752.3 Arcus cornea ; juvenilis 743.43 interfering with vision 743.42 senilis 371.41 Arc-welders' lung 503 Arc-welders' syndrome photokeratitis ; 370.24 Areflexia 796.1 Areola - see condition Argentaffinoma M8241 1 ; - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior benign M8241 0 ; - see Neoplasm, by site, benign malignant M8241 3 ; - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant syndrome 259.2 Argentinian hemorrhagic fever 078.7 Arginosuccinicaciduria 270.6 Argonz-Del Castillo syndrome nonpuerperal galactorrhea and amenorrhea ; 253.1 Argyll-Robertson phenomenon, pupil, or syndrome syphilitic ; 094.89 atypical 379.45 nonluetic 379.45 nonsyphilitic 379.45 reversed 379.45 Argyria, argyriasis NEC 985.8 conjunctiva 372.55 cornea 371.16 from drug or medicinal agent correct substance properly administered 709.09 overdose or wrong substance given or taken 961.2 Arhinencephaly 742.2 Arias-Stella phenomenon 621.3.
Nitazoxanide in animal
To the editor: i have concluded that a major reason for noncompliance with psychotropic drug prescriptions is the "advice" proffered by dispensing pharmacists-advice which may be contradictory to that intended on provided by the pncscribing psychiatrist.
Nitazoxanide mechanism of action
Despite resistance to nitazoxanide that has been observed in some organisms e.g., G. lamblia and C. cayetanensis ; , this drug appears to show good efficacy in the treatment of intestinal parasitic infections, with little variation in parasite sensitivity. Thus, it could be used during massive chemotherapy campaigns. These results are consistent with those previously reported, and both show that nitazoxanide is highly effective and well tolerated only 3% of the patients reported minor clinical side effects ; in treating infections with helminths and protozoa. REFERENCES 1. 2. Rossignol JF, Cavier R, 1975. New derivative of 2-benzamido-5-nitrothiols. Chem Abs 83: 28216. Rossignol JF, Maisonneuve H, 1984. Nitazoxanide in the treatment of Taenia saginata and Hymenolepis nana infections. J Trop Med Hyg 33: 511 512.[ISI][Medline] Rossignol JF, Abaza H, Friedman H, 1998. Successful treatment of fasciolosis with nitazoxanide. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 92: 103104.[ISI][Medline] Doumbo O, Rossignol JF, Pichard E, Traore HA, Dembele M, Diakite M, Traore F, Diallo DA, 1997. Nitazoxanide in the treatment of cryptosporidial diarrhea and other intestinal parasitic infections associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in tropical Africa. J Trop Med Hyg 56: 637639.[ISI][Medline] Romero CR, Robert GL, Muoz GMR, Geyne CA, 1997. Nitazoxanide for the treatment of intestinal protozoan and helminthic infections in Mexico. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 91: 701703.[ISI][Medline] Abaza H, El-Zayali A, Kabil SM, Rizk H, 1998. Nitazoxanide in the treatment of patients with intestinal protozoan and helminthic infections: a report on 546 patients in Egypt. Curr Ther Res 59: 116121.[ISI] Garcia L, Bullock-Iacullo S, Fritsche T, Healy G, McAuley J, Neimeister R, Palmer J, Wilson M, Wong J, 1997. Procedures for Recovery and Identification of Parasites from the Intestinal Tract. Approved Guideline. Wayne, PA: National Committee for Clinical and Laboratory Standards, 17: 810 and 2527. Biagi F, Portilla J, 1957. Comparison of methods of examining stools for parasites. J Trop Med Hyg 6: 906911.[ISI] Henriksen SA, Pohlenz JFL, 1981. Staining cryptosporidia by a modified ZiehlNielsen technique. Acta Vet Scand 22: 594596.[ISI][Medline] Ortiz J, Ayoub A, Gargala G, Chegne N, Favennec L, 2001. Randomized clinical study of nitazoxanide compared to metronidazole in the treatment of symptomatic giardiasis in children from northern Peru. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 15: 14091415.[ISI][Medline] and nizatidine.
ABSTRACT: Human cytochrome P450 P450 ; 1B1 CYP1B1 ; has recently been shown to be an important enzyme in the activation of diverse procarcinogens such as arylarenes, nitroarenes, and arylamines to reactive metabolites that cause DNA damage in the cells. However, it is not known whether this P450 enzyme also plays roles in the oxidation of certain drugs or model substrates commonly used in P450 assays. We examined the substrate oxidation activities of recombinant human CYP1B1 in yeast microsomes and compared these activities with those catalyzed by reconstituted systems containing recombinant CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 which were isolated from membranes of Escherichia coli in which respective cDNAs have been expressed. Catalytic activities towards some of the model substrates of other human P450 enzymes including CYP2A6, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, and 3A4 were also determined and compared. CYP1B1 catalyzed benzo[a]pyrene 3-hydroxylation at rates lower than those of CYP1A1 but higher than those of CYP1A2. The activity towards 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylation catalyzed by CYP1B1 was about one-tenth of that of CYP1A1, but the Km values were lower for CYP1B1 than those for CYP1A1 and CYP1A2. CYP1B1 was also able to catalyze the oxidation of theophylline and caffeine, two prototypic substrates for CYP1A2. CYP1B1 did not oxidize other typical P450 substrates such as coumarin, tolbutamide, S-mephenytoin, chlorzoxazone, nifedipine, and testosterone, while low rates of oxidation of bufuralol and 7-ethoxycoumarin were found for CYP1B1. These results indicate that CYP1B1 has catalytic activities overlapping CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 with respect to the oxidation of drugs and model P450 substrates, although the relative catalytic roles in these three P450 enzymes differ depending upon the substrates examined. A distinct marker activity of CYP1B1 has not been identified.
Nitazoxanide amoeba
| Metronidazole tinidazole nitazoxanide4Obtained from the Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Labora tory, Bar Harbor, Mame. 6Donor mice carrying this leukemia were provided by L. W. Law of the National Cancer Institute. 6The Y-strain of leukemia LSI78 was developed by G. A. Fischer and J. J. Jaffe from a single cell, isolated in vitro and grown initially in a medium which has been described by G. A. Fischer and A. D. Welch, Science in press ; . The original donor mice carrying L5178 were provided by L. W. Law. 7Obtained from Millerton Research Farm, Millerton, N.Y and norco!
An 80-yr-old woman presented with a 3-month history of weight loss and flushing. Clinical examination revealed an enlarged and irregular liver; CT scanning of the abdomen confirmed multiple hepatic deposits. Histology of the hepatic lesions was consistent with metastases from a carcinoid tumor. 5-HIAA levels were elevated, and the patient was also found to have Cushing's syndrome secondary to ectopic ACTH production. Scintigraphy with [123I]MIBG revealed.
Development project. In particular, the implications of the very large gross tare ratio of freight trains and of major discontinuities in track construction and geometry are discussed. This simulation was started using four bogies with three near standard fifth wheel trailers which are fixed using the fifth wheel trailer coupler system. DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF KOREAN TILTING TRAIN TTX ; ON CURVED TRACK IH Yeo, KY Eum, UJ Hwan, MH Suck and norethindrone.
| Tural abnormalities and still normal venous and arterial doppler signs were found. A CT-angiography of the kidneys, executed 2 months after start of the chemotherapy, demonstrated cortical atrophy and wedge-shaped cortical perfusion deficits, without any signs of occlusion from the large renal arteries Figure 2 ; . Discussion. Primary or secondary to disseminated intravascular coagulation ; hyperfibrinolysis is frequently seen in patients with APL probably caused by the release of leukocyte proteases from the promyelocytes resulting in plasmin activation.1; 2 Another, more recently described, mechanism of increased production of plasmin is the high level of expression of annexin II on the surface of APL cells.3 Annexin II is a cell-surface receptor for both plasminogen and tissue plasminogen activator t-PA ; . Overexpression of annexin II may therefore contribute to activation of the fibrinolytic system in APL. Hyperfibrinolysis may result in life-threatening bleeding complications with mortality rates up to 30%.4 Because of this life threatening situation ATRA and anthraclin based chemotherapy should be started immediately to which antifibrinolytic therapy may be added in case of hyperfibrinolysis, low platelet count 50x109 L ; and active bleeding. Despite DIC features in nearly all!
Future work will likely solidify and further expand the role of nitazoxanide in the treatment of a wide range of intestinal pathogens and norpramin.
Alinia nitazoxanide drugs
Overdosing of nitazoxanide must be avoided.
Today's news phase ii study shows that nitazoxanide significantly improves response to standard of care in patients with chronic hepatitis c data to be presented at aasld meeting tampa, fla and norvir.
Time years ; Figure 4-5. Changes of the bulk density with time with different rates of bentonite loss shown in the last two rows of Table 4-4. The blue line: low values of the transmissivity and fracture aperture, and the bentonite contains 0.7 wt.% gypsum. The green line: high values of the transmissivity and fracture aperture, and the bentonite contains 0.7 wt.% gypsum. The red line: low values of the transmissivity and fracture aperture, and the bentonite does not contain gypsum. The black line: high values of the transmissivity and fracture aperture, and the bentonite does not contain gypsum.
Served 236, 324 ; . Whether biological differences in the parasite, including differences in drug sensitivity and virulence, are responsible for the treatment failure is unknown. However, high rates of genetic polymorphisms in a limited geographic region are well established 11, 22, 118, ; and may be partially responsible for the observed therapeutic failure. Alternatively, genetic differences in immune response and drug metabolism may influence the efficacy of antiamoebic drugs 72 ; . Various nonimidazole drugs, including nitazoxanide, paromomycin, and niridazole, reportedly have the potential to be used for treatment of microaerophilic protozoan parasite infections 62, 73 ; . Nitazoxanide, a nitrothiazoyl-salicylamide derivative, could be used as the first-line agent against amoebiasis and other intestinal parasitic diseases in the future 246 ; . Nitazoxanide has broad-spectrum antiparasitic activity, including activity against the protozoans E. histolytica, G. intestinalis, T. vaginalis, Cryptosporidium parvum, and Isospora belli and the helminths Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale, Trichuris trichiura, Taenia saginata, Hymenolepsis nana, and Fasciola hepatica 267 ; . The mode of action for nitazoxanide is unproven, but it is predicted to inhibit PFOR. Clinical efficacy was also demonstrated in a randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled study 267 ; . The disadvantages of the current antiamoebic drugs, besides their relative ineffectiveness against luminal cysts, include various side effects. Adverse effects of metronidazole include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, disulfiram-like alcohol intolerance, and hypersensitivity 62, 122 ; . Neurological side effects include dizziness, vertigo, paresthesias, and, rarely, encephalopathy or convulsions which warrant discontinuation of the drug 246 ; . Neutrocytopenia is also associated with metronidazole. Metronidazole is also known to be mutagenic in bacteria and carcinogenic in rodents, making teratogenicity a concern 28, 44, 47, ; . Metronidazole is also known to cross the placental barrier. The Food and Drug Administration FDA ; classified metronidazole as a class B risk factor for pregnancy. Accordingly, use of metronidazole for amoebiasis in pregnant women is not currently recommended 58, 59 ; , although a causal connection between metronidazole exposure during pregnancy and birth defects has not been established 45, 63, 94 ; . Emetine and dehydroemetine hydrochloride have serious side effects, including nausea, vomiting, cardiotoxicity, local pain, and tenderness 162 ; . These drugs are poorly excreted into the gut and urine and accumulate at high concentrations in the liver, heart, and other tissues. Side effects of nitazoxanide include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and flatulence 246 ; . Current Chemotherapeutics for G. intestinalis Infection The most commonly used drugs against giardiasis, i.e., metronidazole 250 mg three times a day for 5 to 10 days ; , tinidazole 100 mg three times a day for 7 days ; , furazolidone 100 mg four times a day for 7 to 10 days ; , and quinacrine 100 mg three times a day for 5 to 7 days ; , show up to 90% efficacy furazolidone, 80% ; , which is followed by albendazole 400 mg four times a day for 5 days ; and paromomycin 500 mg three times a day for 5 to 10 days ; 1, 99, 125, ; . Metronidazole is considered the drug of choice, with tinidazole being and novantrone.
Nitazoxanide raw material
SERVICES: 1 ; Vacation planning services, namely making reservations and bookings for sporting activities, leisure activities, recreational activities, tours, excursions, restaurants, transportation, health and beauty appointments and babysitting services; Concierge services; Entertainment services, namely the showing of motion pictures and the rental of videos, dvds, books and board games; Restaurant, cocktail lounge, bar and catering services; Laundry and dry-cleaning services; Housekeeping services; Sporting equipment rental services; Operation of a convenience store; Operation of a liquor store; Spa services; Operation of health, fitness and athletic training centre, namely instruction and consulting in the field of health and fitness and the provision of exercise equipment; Swimming pool and water activity centre services; Business centre services; Provision of high performance athletic training in the fields of golf and skiing; Cooking school services; Recreational centre services. 2 ; Real estate services, namely: the development and sale of residential and recreational real estate; rental and management of recreational real estate; the planning and development of resort properties; property managing services; and resort management services. 3 ; Operation of a resort and resort facilities. Used in CANADA since as early as August 2003 on services. SERVICES: 1 ; Services de planification de vacances, nommment prparation de rservations pour activits sportives, activits de loisirs, activits rcratives, circuits, excursions, restaurants, transport, rendez-vous sant et de beaut et services de gardiennage d'enfants; services de conciergerie; services de divertissement, nommment la prsentation de films cinmatographiques et la location de vidos, DVD, livres et jeux de table; services de restaurant, de bar-salon, de bar et de traiteur; services de lessive et de nettoyage sec; services d'entretien mnager; services de location de matriel de sport; exploitation d'un dpanneur; exploitation d'un magasin de boissons; services de cuves thermales; exploitation de centre de sant, de conditionnement physique et d'entranement en athltisme, nommment enseignement et consultation dans le domaine de la sant et du conditionnement physique et la fourniture de matriel d'exercice; services de piscine et de centre d'activit nautique; services de centre commercial; fourniture d'entranement en athltisme de haut niveau dans le domaine du golf et du ski; services d'cole de cuisine; services de centre rcratif. 2 ; Services immobiliers, nommment promotion et vente d'immobilier rsidentiel et rcratif; location et gestion and nitazoxanide.
Antiprotozoal activity of nitazoxanide Table 1. Standard strains of E. histolytica used Strain 50007 DKB 50542 HK9 clone-2 30190 HB301: NIH 50481 SD157 IULA: 0593: 2 30886 Rahman 30887 H303: NIH ATCC 30459 ; HM1: IMSS IULA: 1092: 1 ATCC 30458 ; NIH 200 and novolog.
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In our recently published article in the Journal of Urology, 9 we reported results of early versus delayed hormonal treatment for PSA-only recurring prostate cancer after a radical prostatectomy among 1352 patients in the CPDR database. Differences in outcome and time to the development of clinical metastasis were.
Ms. A was a 31-year-old woman with a history of methamphamine abuse who was initially admitted to the inpatient psychiatry unit with a depressed mood, command hallucinations, and paranoid delusions. She had been using methamphetamine heavily up until 3 weeks before admission. Her depressive symptoms, including anhedonia, decreased energy, increased sleep, suicidal ideation, and tearfulness, worsened 2 months before admission. In addition, her psychotic symptoms had been present for many weeks but had been getting progressively more severe. In the hospital, treatment with paroxetine was initiated because it had reportedly been effective previously in spite of episodic methamphetamine use. Ms. A was also treated with perphenazine. Her depressive symptoms improved, and her psychotic symptoms disappeared over 3 weeks. At discharge, she was no longer psychotic. Six months later Ms. A was readmitted to the inpatient psychiatry unit after a 2-week recurrence of command hallucinations and paranoia. The results of a urine drug screening test were negative for methamphetamine; there was no historical evidence of resumed use. Approximately 3 weeks before admission Ms. A was prescribed a combination of phenylpropanolamine, 75 mg, and guaifenesin, 400 mg, for congestion. She had also been taking cimetidine for 1 month for gastritis. In the hospital she continued to received paroxetine, perphenazine, and oral contraceptive pills, which she had been taking as an outpatient. The congestion medication and cimetidine were stopped. Within 3 days the voices and paranoia had disappeared, and she was discharged and nutropin.
PSC-17 Gardner W, et. al. The PSC-17: A brief symptom checklist psychosocial problem subscales: A report from PROS and ADSPN. Ambulatory Child Health, 1999: 5: 225236. Can be downloaded at and nizatidine.
During the year: 102 people were newly diagnosed with MND and registered with the Association During 2004 05, 348 people who were diagnosed with MND, plus their families, friends and carers received assistance from the Association. Unfortunately, the Association was advised of 92 people who lost their fight with MND. Our thoughts are with them and their family and friends. Regional advisors have continued to identify and support services and service providers within the community who can provide support for people living with MND. Over 630 providers are working with people living with MND and the Association. This continues to be the web of support for people living with MND that is often unseen and unrecognised, yet is essential if we are to help people with MND live better for longer and nuvaring.
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On April 18, 2001, the Board accepted the voluntary surrender of the certificate of qualification and license to practice medicine in Alabama of Tad R. Connine, M. D., license number 22898, La Plata MD. Dr. Connine is no longer authorized to practice medicine in Alabama. On April 18, 2001, the Board accepted the voluntary surrender of the certificate of qualification and license to practice medicine in Alabama of Jerry H. Crump, M. D., license number 13179, Enterprise AL. Dr. Crump is not authorized to practice medicine in Alabama. On May 16, 2001, the Board accepted the voluntary surrender of the Alabama Controlled Substances Certificate of Morgan Jackson Moore, M. D., license number 1272, Andalusia AL. Dr. Moore is no longer authorized to prescribe controlled substances in Alabama. On May 16, 2001, the Board accepted the voluntary sur.
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