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Correspondence: Yair Gazitt, Ph.D., Department of Medicine Hematology, University of Texas Health Science Center, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78284 Telephone: 210-567-4848; FAX: 210-567-1956; email: gazitt uthscsa.
Library of electronic documents supplied by partner organizations working on reproductive and child health, HIV AIDS, and population. The Division is also working to make the Centre's major publications available through additional portals such as PubMed Central. Using different methods to allow access to the Centre's publications will increase the visibility and accessibility of ICDDR, B's work.
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Fig. 1.--Section of individual with atypical resting meganucleus v. p. 368 ; . Fig. 2.--Section of individual witli typical resting meganucleuB M ; and two micronuclei m ; . Fig. 3.--Figure constructed from two consecutive sections. Meganucleus in " granular " phase -fcT ; . Two micronuclei in early stage of division m.m. ; . Fig. 4.--Section of individual with meganucleus M ; in " whirl" phase of division . ; Food masses, gr. ; Gill. Fig. 5.--Section of individual with meganucleus M ; in " whirl" phase Two micronuclei m ; dividing with spindles sp. ; . OR. ; Ciliated ridges of bud. The cytoplasm is heavily laden with food masses f.m. ; . Contrast with fig. 6, where the cytoplasm is relatively clear. Fig. 6.--Section showing a rather later stage. The meganucleus M ; is still in the " whirl" phase, but the micronuclei in ; are almost completed divided. C.B. ; Ciliated ridges of bud. Fig. 7.--Whole mount showing the micronuclei m ; completely divided: three in the bud m, ; and three in the pareut ia ; . The remains of one spindle are indicated. G.B. ; Ciliated ridges of bud. Meganucleus in dumb-bell stage. Fig. 8.--Section showing another meganucleus M ; in the dumb-bell stage. C.B. ; Ciliated ridges of bud. Sp. Cyt. ; Area of special cytoplasm v. p. 345 ; . Only one micronucleus in ; is present in the section, f.m, . ; Food masses. PLATE 26. Fig. 9.--Figure constructed from a series of sections to show the bud almost completely formed. The meganucleus M ; is still in the dumb-bell stage, but the connecting strand is almost severed. Three micronuclei are present in the bud m ; and three in the parent m2 ; , one being seen through the bud itself. C.B. ; Ciliated ridges of bud. Fig. 10.--Figure constructed from a series of sections to show the meganucleus completely divided into a portion in the bud m, ; and a parental portion m? ; . Three micronuclei are present in the bud m, ; and three in the parent TO2 ; . C.B. ; Ciliated ridges of bud. Fig. 11.--Diagrammatic drawing of free bud fixed with osmic acid and stained with brazilin. M ; Meganucleus. in ; The three micronuclei, c.v. ; Contractile vacuole. C.B. ; Ciliated ridges. VOL. 6 1 , PART 3. NEW SERIES. 25.
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And Paulson, 1990 ; . Initially intended for young women with premature ovarian failure or a heritable genetic defect, the technique has more recently been applied to women in the early peri-menopausal years Serhal and Craft, 1989; Sauer et al., 1990, 1992; Pantos et al., 1993 ; as well as after the age of the natural menopause Antinori et al., 1993; Sauer et al., 1993 ; . Because of the high success rate of the procedure, it has also been applied to women with recurrent failure with standard in-vitro fertilization IVF ; techniques Pados et al., 1992; Sauer et al., 1994 ; . Oocyte donation represents a unique physiological configuration, which makes possible the simultaneous optimization of embryo quality and endometrial receptivity Paulson et al., 1990a, b ; . This is due to the fact that the oocytes are derived from young fertile women and the resulting embryos are transferred to the uteri of recipients who have been previously prepared with a controlled regimen of exogenous oestrogen and progesterone. It is this unique physiological situation which has consistently produced the highest pregnancy rates of all the assisted reproductive techniques Medical Research International and the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, 1990, 1991, 1992 ; . Previous retrospective studies have addressed the issue of cumulative success rates after IVF. Guzick et al. 1986 ; demonstrated no decline in per cycle pregnancy rates for up to six cycles. Kovacs et al. 1986 ; performed a similar analysis and found no decline in per cycle pregnancy rates in up to eight cycles. More recently, Hull et al. 1992 ; showed no decline in per cycle success with IVF and gamete intraFallopian transfer GIFT ; after four cycles of treatment. By contrast, Tan et al. 1992 ; found a progressive decline in per cycle conception and live birth rates during successive cycles of IVF. However, no such calculation has been performed for repetitive cycles of oocyte donation. The purpose of the present study was to determine the cumulative likelihood of pregnancy success after repetitive cycles of oocyte donation and specifically to examine the influence of recipient age and diagnosis upon the cumulative likelihood of pregnancy. Materials and methods.
A feature of all single-whisker recordings. By 32 ms, all single whisker responses encroached extensively on neighboring barrels, and overlapped considerably with one another. By 40 ms post-deflection not shown ; , each response had activated the majority of the visible cortical area. The amplitude of the optical response decreased and the latency to peak increased with increasing distance between the deflected whisker and the column being recorded. Figure 1D left ; shows the optical response in the histologically identified C1 column to the deflections of the C1, D1, D3, and E1 whiskers same recordings as 1C ; . Simultaneously recorded LFP and MUA responses from electrode 2 e2 in Fig. 1B ; are shown to the right. For additional examples of simultaneously recorded LFP, MUA and VSD responses see Supplementary Fig. S1. ; The histology showed that electrode 2 was located in the C2-C3 barrels. The amplitude of the LFP and the number of spikes per stimulus recorded on the electrode decreased with increasing distance of the deflected whisker from this location. The largest response was seen to the C1 deflection, intermediate responses to D1 and D3, and no response to the deflection of the E1 whisker. The VSD and electrophysiological measurements clearly reflected the overlap of single whisker representations in supragranular barrel cortex which has been well-characterized in the literature Kleinfeld and Delaney 1996; Petersen et al. 2003a; Simons 1978 ; . To estimate the temporal window in which two responses might interact in the cortex, we quantified the onset and peak latencies of the individual responses to each of the two deflections used in the paired protocols over the whole population of barrel-column recordings n 374, Fig. 1E ; . The half-height ranges for both responses, to the nearest 4 ms, were 16-32 ms and 40-60 ms for the onset and peak times and colesevelam.
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Table. Baseline Characteristics of 13 128 Study Participants.
Prescribing practices. Formularies are lists of medications covered by specific insurance or benefit plans, as part of a cost-containment strategy. Based on cost, some states, insurance plans, or detention facilities have limited the number and type of medications listed on the formulary. Others have developed algorithms that direct providers to use certain medications on a priority basis. At the defendant level, a central challenge to court-based work is to identify mechanisms for ensuring access to needed medications. Treatment plans need to address the following questions: From whom will the defendant obtain medication? How will the defendant pay for medication? Who will monitor compliance with medication? and colestipol.
With secretion, passed backwards over the animal so that the latter is quickly surrounded by a tube of sand and mucus. Into the space thus formed the proboscis is forced, and it is the expansion and contraction of this organ, together with the displacement of the sand by the cilia, which are responsible for the burrowing. This is in general agreement with Bitter's 1902 ; conclusions, according to which the proboscis is much the most vigorous region during locomotion, being driven forwards partly by its cilia and to a less extent by contraction of its circular muscle-fibres, and causing a 'perfect flood of sand grains' to pass backwards. Within the burrow it acts as a holdfast, the whole body being drawn after it by contraction of the longitudinal musculature. Some authors have described a swelling of the collar as an important factor, the organ acting as a point of friction. My observations show that this is not so, at least when the sand forms only a small and loosely packed heap; under these circumstances the collar remains more or less passive, moving forwards underneath the stream of mucus and sand which is passing back from the proboscis, and while some sand certainly enters the alimentary canal see below ; , being visible through the body-wall, the amount which does so is small relatively to the volume which the animal displaces. At the same time, the collar undoubtedly can expand and contract; violent movements of this type are seen, for example, if a proboscis and collar are amputated from the trunk, and it may well be that such movements become of importance in tightly packed masses of sand. It is not, of course, suggested here that the Enteropneusta do not 'swallow' sand, for the well-known existence of their sand-castings is a clear demonstration that they do. The point to be emphasized, and which will be returned to below, is that there is the additional method of taking up material by ciliary action, either by agitating the surface of the sand, or by utilizing suspended material.
Begonia grandis Hardy Begonia ; 15-24" tall shade plant with heart-shaped green leaves that are red underneath with dark red veining. Rosy-pink flowers are borne in sprays in the early summer and continue until frost. Plants are lovely when mixed with a partially shady, woodland plant community: heucheras, ferns, etc. Reported to survive to 15 F heavily mulched in the winter. Zone 5 and comfrey.
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One of the newest groups of inotropic agents Table 10 ; is a group of agents, which increase the affinity of myofibrils for calcium and are called calcium sensitizers. Calcium sensitizers are the newest heterogeneous group of inotropic agents. The best known representatives of this group are levosimendan and pimobendan. Positive inotropic and commit.
The Global Change in Mountain Regions GLOCHAMORE ; project is a concerted programme funded by the European Union that started in late 1999. It aims to set the scene for research on the impacts of global changes on mountain biosphere reserves, with the explicit aim of facilitating sustainable resource management strategies in these areas. The project has its focus primarily in Europe, but it also aims to support developing countries and to stimulate other researchers and land managers to take advantage of the research potential that biosphere reserves offer as dedicated areas. GLOCHAMORE originated from within the Mountain Research Initiative MRI, see : mri. ; , a relatively recent joint endeavour of several international programmes that focuses on assessing the impacts of global changes on the natural environment, on ecosystem goods and services, and on societal systems in mountain regions. GLOCHAMORE has been designed as a contribution to UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere MAB ; programme, but it fits equally well into the research agendas of the programmes that have endorsed the MRI, including the International GeosphereBiosphere Programme IGBP ; , the Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change IHDP ; and the Global Terrestrial Observing System GTOS ; . The linkage of these large international research programmes with a dedicated focus on mountain regions is the specific characteristic of GLOCHAMORE and the MRI, and as such it is a challenging task. The GLOCHAMORE project consists of a series of workshops dedicated to specific themes. The kick-off workshop took place in November 2003 in the Entlebuch Schaaf et al. 2004 ; . The first thematic workshop, from which the present proceedings arose, was dedicated to the monitoring of environmental and societal changes in mountain regions, and took place in Vienna Austria ; in May 2004. Organizing the first thematic workshop in Austria can be seen as being in line with the old tradition of MAB- and IGBP-related research in this country. More than thirty years ago, the Austrian Academy of Sciences decided to join the newly emerging Man and the Biosphere programme, which was in some respect a follow-up activity of the International Biological Programme IBP ; . IBP was the first concerted international programme on ecological aspects of the environment, and certainly also one of the roots for today's International GeosphereBiosphere Programme. Within the framework of IBP, several projects were set up in Austria, of which two were partners in the Tundra Biome sub-programme. Many scientists involved in the IBP played key roles in designing and managing the early Austrian MAB activities. Among these was the MAB-6 project Obergurgl, which received international recognition as the first attempt to combine natural and social science research to explore the options for the future development of a region. Obergurgl in the Tyrolean Alps, an alpine village in transition from an old farming community to one of the most advanced tourist centres in the Alps, was chosen as a model region. A computer model based on system analysis was and cogentin.
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