What is the function of oxytocin in males
That were regressing whereas the remaining 3 heifers were not yet undergoing luteolysis. Therefore, data for these 6 heifers were reanalyzed separately with CL status replacing day as a main effect. Data for only those heifers with functional CL on Days 13, 16, and 19 were then reanalyzed. All tests of hypotheses were made using the appropriate error terms according to expectation of the mean squares [32]. Planned comparisons were made using contrast statements of the GLM procedure. Least-squares means were obtained using the Least Squares Means statement of the GLM procedure, and the appropriate standard errors were generated from the ANOVA. RESULTS Decreases in mean CL weight p 0.05 ; and mean concentrations of plasma progesterone p 0.01 ; were detected in heifers slaughtered on Day 19 post-estrus Table 2 ; , indicating that CL regression had been initiated in the group of Day 19 heifers. Mean concentration of plasma estradiol did not differ significantly p 0.5 ; among days of the estrous cycle Table 2 ; . Mean concentration of endometrial oxytocin receptors increased p 0.06 ; during Days 13-19, and the greatest increase p 0.05 ; occurred between Days 16 and 19 Table 2 ; . Mean Kd of oxytocin receptors was not significantly affected by day of the estrous cycle Table 2 ; . Endometrial PI hydrolysis was influenced by interaction of day and oxytocin treatment Fig. 2 ; such that oxytocin-induced incorporation of [3 H]inositol into inositol phosphates increased p 0.01 ; between Days 13 and 19 Fig. 2 ; . The greatest increase p 0.001 ; in oxytocin-stimulated PI hydrolysis was detected between Days 16 and 19. Across both treatments, endometrial PI hydrolysis increased p 0.05 ; during the estrous cycle and, across all days, was increased p 0.001 ; by treatment with oxytocin. Endometrial PGF secretion was influenced by interaction of day and oxytocin treatment Fig. 3 ; such that.
12 excessive use of oxytocin may cause water retention, hyponatremia and seizures water intoxication.
JONES, C. W. & PICKERING, B. T. 1969 ; . Changes in the hormone content of the rat neurohypophysis induced by substituting 2 % saline for drinking water. J. Endocr. 43, vi. KASTIN, J. A. 1967 ; . M.S.H. and vasopressin activities in pituitaries of rats treated with hypertonic saline. Fedn Proc. 26, 225. LEDERIS, K. 1962 ; . The distribution of vasopressin and oxytocin in hypothalamic nuclei. Mem. Soc. Endocr. 12, 227-236. MOSES, A. M. 1963 ; . Adrenal neurohypophysial relationships in the dehydrated rat.
Oxytocin is for injection into a muscle or infusion into a vein.
Spectrum DDD receptor agonist 2- N-phenylethyl-Npropyl ; amino-5-hydroxytetralin PPHT ; was effective, but the DD receptor agonist SKF38393 was not. The response to PPHT was blocked by the broad-spectrum dopamine receptor antagonist eticlopride. Moreover, the finding that RBI257, a recently developed D receptor-specific antagonist, blocked responses to PPHT appeared to support the hypothesis that inhibition of IK resulted from the activation of a D receptor Wilke et al. 1998 ; . However, another compound U101958, also developed as a D receptor antagonist TenBrink et al. 1996 ; , was found to show agonist activity. Furthermore, the dopamine receptor agonist quinpirole at 100 ; had no effect Wilke et al. 1998 ; . The pharmacological profile of the receptor mediating these responses is not consistent with results from cell lines transfected with the human D receptor cDNA Chabert et al. 1994; Liu et al. 1996; Watt & Neve, 1998 ; . These observations raised questions about the identity of the receptor, and led to the consideration of factors that could complicate the interpretation of experiments with dopamine receptor ligands. One important problem is that many of the pharmacological probes used to investigate dopamine receptor function also bind to sigma receptors. Although the sigma receptor was initially classified as a novel opioid receptor Martin et al. 1976 ; , subsequent studies demonstrated that the sigma binding site represents a distinct pharmacological entity Su, 1982 ; . Sigma receptor ligands comprise a diverse group of chemically unrelated compounds Su, 1993 ; , including ditolylguanidine DTG ; , pentazocine, and N-allylnormetazocine SKF10047; the drug for which this receptor was initially named ; . One of the most widely used sigma receptor ligands, haloperidol, is also well known as a dopamine receptor antagonist. Other drugs known to bind to both sigma and dopamine receptors include apomorphine, chlorpromazine, and PPHT. The rat pituitary expresses sigma receptor binding sites Wolfe et al. 1989 ; , thus making plausible the hypothesis that the inhibition of neurohypophysial K current is mediated by sigma receptors. We pursued these issues first by conducting experiments to rule out the involvement of dopamine receptors. Drug actions were tested in genetically altered mice which lack D, D, or D receptors. The results of these experiments are presented here, and show that wild-type mice and mice lacking dopamine receptors responded similarly to putative dopamine receptor agonists. With dopamine receptors thus ruled out, a series of experiments were conducted to test the role of sigma receptors. The actions of a large number of ligands were tested and found to inhibit neurohypophysial IK. The pharmacological signature of this response was consistent with known sigma receptor selectivity. These experiments support the conclusion that rat and mouse neurohypophyses contain sigma receptors coupled to K channels, implying that sigma receptor activation can modulate the release of oxytocin and vasopressin.
What is the function of oxytocin in males
Exogenous oxytocin decreases interestrous interval of cyclic gilts B. C. Prince, M. A. Mirando, W. C. Becker and C. E. Hostetler J Anim Sci 1995. 73: 3681-3686 and paclitaxel.
Does not cause notable changes in hypothalamic LHRH secretion during proestrus 28 ; . Microinfusion of IL-1 bilaterally into the MPOA also reduces hypothalamic LHRH release and prevents the spontaneous expression of Fos within LHRH cell nuclei during the afternoon of proestrus 27 ; . However, the physiological relevance of these results remains largely unknown. In fact, LHRH neurons do not seem to express any of the CRF and IL-1 type 1 and 2 receptors Nappi, R. E., and S. Rivest, unpublished data ; . Moreover, the MPOA displays a very low to barely detectable signal for both CRF receptor transcripts in intact cycling and stressed female rats 61 ; . Similarly, the gene encoding type I IL-1 receptor has been shown to be expressed in few discrete cell groups, and no specific labeling for type 1 IL-1R mRNA was detected over neurons of the MPOA 62 ; . Systemic LPS administration induces a profound downregulation of LHRH-R mRNA expression in the anterior pituitary regardless of the phase of the estrous cycle. This suggests that activation of the acute-phase response is also able to interfere with the HPG axis at the pituitary level independently of the circulating gonadal steroid concentrations. Interestingly, systemic administration of IL-1 does not affect LH secretion 63 ; , whereas peripheral administration of endotoxin strongly decreases circulating LH levels 31, 59 ; . It is, therefore, likely that a complex cascade of cytokines produced during the acute-phase response is required to decrease the activity of the HPG axis. Concomitant actions of several circulating factors probably operate at the level LHRH neuronal activity and or the pituitary gland as paracrine activity ; to mediate the inhibition of reproductive function in response to immune challenge. The effect of food deprivation on LHRH-R gene expression in the anterior pituitary was more variable and occurred at specific periods of the estrous cycle. We cannot exclude the possibility that sex steroids play a role in the ability of metabolic challenges to alter the expression of LHRH-R in the adenohypophysis, although the pattern of inhibition does not follow the marked hormonal changes generally observed during the cycle. It is of interest to note that in cycling female rats that did not have a regular estrous cycle during food deprivation, a significant down-regulation of pituitary LHRH-R mRNA was found in all animals and palonosetron.
Oxytocin versus methergine
This research was sponsored by Abbott Laboratories, Genentech, the School of Science at Saint Mary's College of California, the Research Associates of Point Loma Nazarene University, and the SDSU-MIRT Program under the direction of Dr. R.S. Pozos, NIH No. 5T37TW00067. We thank Professor Diane Smith SDSU ; for helpful discussions.
Fig. 4. A: avian uncoupling protein avUCP ; mRNA expression relative to 18S mRNA expression SE ; in gastrocnemius muscle of chickens at 26 days of age injected with either saline open bars ; or insulin filled bars ; solutions. B: RT-PCR products obtained from avUCP and 18S RNA. Products were stained using Vistra green Amersham Pharmacia Biotech ; and quantified with a Storm apparatus Molecular Dynamics ; . Animals received control, MMI, T3, or IOP treatment. Different letters represent statistically different values between thyroid treatments in saline-treated chickens and pamidronate.
Figure 1. P2X7 expression enhances resting mt of HEK293 cells A ; Fluorescence emission in arbitrary units ; from quiescent HEK293-mock and three stable HEK293-hP2X7R clones clone A, B and C ; loaded with the mitochondrial probe TMRM. The FCCP-insensitive fluorescence was subtracted from all values reported fluorescence ; see Materials and Methods for further experimental details ; . , no addition; , 600 M oATP for 2 h; , 4 U apyrase overnight; , Ca2 + free, 0.5 mM EGTA-supplemented medium for 5 min. B ; effect of ATP on basal mt. Fluorescence was recorded from each coverslip immediately before and 15 min after ATP addition. Finally, FCCP was added to fully collapse the mt. Parallel observations were carried out in untreated samples to check for spontaneous decay in fluorescence. - , HEK293-hP2X7R cells acutely incubated in standard Ca2 + -containing medium; - , HEK293-hP2X7R cells in Ca2 + -free, 0.5 mM EGTA-supplemented medium; - , HEK293-hP2X7R cells incubated in the presence of 600 M oATP; - , HEK293-mock incubated in standard Ca2 + -containing medium. In B ; no correction for the FCCP-insensitive fluorescence was made. Data from 10 coverslips for each condition were acquired and averaged + SE. Difference in basal TMRM fluorescence was highly statistically significant in HEK293-hP2X7R clones versus HEK293-mock p 0.0001, Student's t test ; . Within HEK293-hP2X7R clones, difference in TMRM fluorescence in basal conditions versus oATP, or apyrase or Ca2 + -free conditions was also statistically significant p 0.001, Student's t test ; . C-F ; Confocal images of HEK293-hP2X7R clone C C, D ; and HEK293-mock E, F ; loaded with TMRM 20 nM ; and incubated for 15 min in the absence C, E ; or presence D, F ; of 3 ATP.
Indicating that oxytocin does not affect general milk composition. The effect on lactose concentration P .lo ; was slight in the first trial, eijklm but this effect was not found in the second trial. Relevant correlations are shown in Table 4. The total number of cows was 12 for the first trial and 15 for the second trial. Three The only significant correlation throughout the cows developed clinical mastitis, 2 in the first trial was between milk protein and SCC. Plastrial and 1 in the second. Their data, from the min concentrations increased dramatically durtime of infection, were not included in the ing clinical mastitis infection, and a correlation statistical analysis. Results were corrected for between plasmin and SCC was found during 1 the imbalance of the Latin square, and Type 1 this period. However, the number of cows was sums of squares was used in the statistical not sufficient to determine the relationship beanalysis 21 ; . Least squares means were used tween plasmin activity and SCC. The findings in this report agree with those of Politis et al. for analysis. Variation was reduced by blocking period, 16 ; in that the overall correlation between group, and square so that a better estimate of plasmin and SCC was nonsignificant. For the experimental error could be calculated. All reference, general means for milk production, of the statistical analyses were performed us- plasmin activity, and SCC are presented in ing the general linear models procedure of Table 2. SAS 21 ; , and correlation coefficients were computed. DISCUSSION Although a number of studies in the literature indicate that injection of oxytocin at milkMilk production was the sole factor in the ing time increases milk production, consideramodel that was affected significantly P .06 ; ble discrepancies exist in the literature, as by oxytocin treatment for both trials. Both OB shown in Table 5. The magnitude of the effect and OA treatments increased milk production of oxytocin injection is quite variable, ranging or, perhaps, prevented decreased milk produc- from 10 to 12% increases in milk production tion. The overall means for milk production, in some studies 13 ; but nonsignificant effects plasmin, SCC, fat percentages, protein percen- on milk production in others 20, 22 ; . In the tages, and lactose concentration for trials 1 and present study, OB or OA increased milk 2 are shown in Table 2 . The least squares production by 3% P .06 ; . The effect w s a means and the standard errors of the means for less than reported in some studies Table 5 ; milk production, SCC, plasmin, fat percentage, but was clearly within the range observed in protein percentage, and lactose concentration those studies. Thus, in agreement with other by treatment for trials 1 and 2 are shown in work, treatment with OB or OA had no overall Table 3. Oxytocin had no effect on overall effect on fat and protein percentages and, in means of plasmin, fat, and protein percentages, our study, did not alter milk plasmin activity and papaverine.
Oxytocin spray autism
Salamonson L. A., A. L. Hampton, J. A. Clements, and J. K. Findlay 1991. Regulation of gene expression and cellular localization of prostaglandin synthase by oestrogen and progesterone in the ovine uterus. J. Reprod. Fertil. 92: 393406. Sheffel, C. E., B. R. Pratt, W. L. Ferrell, and E. K. Inskeep. 1982. Induced corpora lutea in the postpartum cow. II. Effects of treatments with progestogen and gonadotropins. J. Anim. Sci. 54: 830836. Silvia, W. J., G. S. Lewis, J. A. McCracken, W. W. Thatcher, and L. Wilson. 1991. Hormonal regulation of uterine secretion of prostaglandin F2 during luteolysis in ruminants. Biol. Reprod. 45: 655663. Southee, J. A., M. G. Hunter, A. S. Law, and W. Haresign. 1988. Effect of hysterectomy on the short life-cycle corpus luteum produced after GnRH-induced ovulation in the anestrous ewe. J. Reprod. Fertil. 84: 149155. Vallet, J. L., G. E. Lamming, and M. Batten. 1990. Control of endometrial oxytocin receptor and uterine response to oxytocin by progesterone and oestradiol in the ewe. J. Reprod. Fertil. 90: 625634. Zelinski, M. B., N. A. Hirota, E. J. Keenan, and F. Stormshak. 1980. Influence of exogenous estradiol-17 on endometrial progesterone and estrogen receptors during the luteal phase of the ovine estrous cycle. Biol. Reprod. 23: 743751. Zollers, W. G., Jr., H. A. Garverick, and M. F. Smith. 1989. Oxytocininduced release of prostaglandin F2 in postpartum beef cows: Comparison of short versus normal luteal phases. Biol. Reprod. 41: 262267. Zollers, W. G., Jr., H. A. Garverick, M. F. Smith, R. J. Moffatt, B. E. Salfen, and R. S. Youngquist. 1993. Concentrations of progesterone and oxytocin receptors in endometrium of postpartum cows expected to have a short or normal oestrous cycle. J. Reprod. Fertil. 97: 329337. Zollers, W. G., Jr., H. A. Garverick, R. S. Youngquist, J. S. Ottobre, R. W. Silcox, J. P. Copelin, and M. F. Smith. 1991. In vitro secretion of prostaglandins from endometrium of postpartum beef cows expected to have short or normal luteal phases. Biol. Reprod. 44: 522-526.
Figure 6. Change in contraction frequency, from pre-injection frequency, as affected by seven levels of oxytocin and saline injections from lO-min pre-injecdon to 60-rain post-injection. n--4, R + S.E and parnate.
By identifying dopaminergic agonists, and in particular d2 receptor agonists, as potent inducers of oxytocin release in monkeys, these agonists may become useful pharmacological tools for further studies exploring the physiological actions of oxytocin in primates as well as for studies examining the pharmacological systems influencing oxytocinergic neurons in primates.
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Oxytocin labor induction protocols
Of 360, 000 ML. biochemical Bone and and count marrow He had biopsy increased and course was PD he splenic treatment during later with generalized and oxytocin.
Conclusion: It has been our observation that many bronchiolitis pts maintain minute ventilation by increasing respiratory rate at the expense of a diminishing tidal volume. This, coupled with airway inflammation & mucus plugging which are common in bronchiolitis, lead to atelectasis with marked respiratory distress and impending failure if not treated early. We suggest that early intervention with non-invasive CPAP decreases respiratory distress in many bronchiolitis pts. CXR and CBG results do not appear to be superior methods for determining severity of respiratory distress or as useful in determining CPAP placement when compared to a thorough physical assessment and pbz.
Oxytocin and menopause
ABSTRACT PGs are important regulators of reproductive processes. At the time of luteolysis in vivo, PGF2 is produced by endometrial cells, in response to oxytocin OT ; . The mechanism by which OT induces the release of PGF2 remains to be defined. We have used 13 different cultures of bovine epithelial endometrial cells to study the effect of OT on the regulation of PGF2 and to identify the possible involvement of cyclooxygenases COXs ; . OT induced a dose-dependent increase of both inositol phosphates IPs ; and [Ca2 ]i concentration in epithelial cells labeled with [3H]-myoinositol or loaded with fura-2 using a fluorescent microscope imaging system ; , respectively. OT induced a dose-dependent increase of both PGF2 production and COX-2 gene expression as demonstrated by RT-PCR and Northern blots ; . PGF2 production was increased from 13.3 2.0 to 166.8 22.5 ng ml P 0.0001 ; . On the other hand, COX-2 -actin mRNA gene expression as determined by densitometric analysis ; was increased 5.1 0.7-fold P 0.001 ; with OT 10 7 treatment, compared with control. Addition of indomethacin 1 M ; and a specific COX-2 inhibitor NS398, 1 M ; blocked the OT-induced PGF2 production. COX-1 and phospholipase A2 mRNA were expressed at steady-state levels, but no effect of OT was detected on their regulation. Combined to OT, 10 g ml of recombinant ovine interferon-tau roIFN- ; was able to decrease significantly P 0.0001 ; the dose-dependent increase of PGF2 production. Furthermore, partial bovine COX-1 777 pb ; and COX-2 449 bp ; cDNAs were cloned and sequenced. An homology of 83% and 97% was found in relation with rat and sheep, for COX-1, respectively. COX-2 was found to bear 84%, 86%, and 87% of homology in relation to rat, guinea pig, and human, respectively. Collectively, these results demonstrate, for the first time, that COX-2 is involved in the mechanism by which OT regulates PGF2 production in the endometrium. Endocrinology 138: 4798 4805.
Oxytocin effects hormone
Figure 1. Scheme of the treatment plan. GO was administered at 6 mg m2 per dose by intravenous infusion. The second dose was administered after 15 days from the first one. After the second GO dose, patients who tested PCR-negative for PML RAR in the bone marrow were to receive a third and final dose, whereas patients who tested PCR-positive had to receive additional GO administrations, for a maximum of 6 total doses, until the achievement of PCR negativity and pediatric
Increase for elderly or debilitated patients and when sedative drugs are added. In minor surgical procedures, gastroscopy and esophagoscopy, 5 to 10 mg I.M. or IV. 30 mm. prior to procedure. Give injections slowly; take at least 1 mm. for each 5 mg 1 cc ; . In and paclitaxel.
| What is oxytocin theoryAbstract The relevance of testosterone, oestradiol and certain peptides oxytocin OT ; , -endorphin and prolactin PRL to sexual arousal in humans is reviewed. In addition to behavioural studies, evidence of distribution of gonadal steroid receptors in the brain and the limited evidence from brain imaging are also considered. Testosterone plays a key role in the adult male, with clear, consistent evidence from studies of hypogonadal and eugonadal men. The roles of testosterone in the development of sexual arousability, and in the aging male, are less clear. The relevance of aromatization and of non-sexual effects of testosterone which might indirectly influence sexual arousal are not well understood. Testosterone in the female presents a more complex, less consistent picture. One possible explanation is a much greater variability across women in responsiveness to testosterone. A `desensitization hypothesis' to account for the striking gender differences is offered. There is limited evidence of a direct effect of oestradiol on sexual arousability in women. The extent to which testosterone in women acts by conversion to oestradiol or by increase of free oestradiol is not yet clear. The role of peptides in sexual arousal remains uncertain, partly because of the multiple roles and sites of action of most peptides. OT and -endorphin appear to have both excitatory and inhibitory effects. PRL has been proposed as an inhibitory factor via direct inhibition of dopaminergic activity, but the evidence for this is inconclusive. Whereas the traditional concept of `hormone' continues to apply to the role of testosterone and oestradiol in sexual arousal, peptides present a more complex role and pegasys.
What is oxytocin used for
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