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Alternating left or right eye n 10 ; . Mice were anesthetized using 2% isoflurane for retro-orbital injections. Mice were euthanized by CO2 inhalation. Various organs were harvested and prepared for multicolor flow cytometry. Specific organ tissues except whole blood were pooled for analysis. No appreciable difference in the systemic elimination of macrophages was observed between either routes of injection. This observation was consistent in all tissues. Eyes were dissected from the skulls and cut longitudinally. Skulls were sliced transversely at a level to include the retrobulbar areas. All tissues were then processed, blocked, sectioned and stained with H&E, and Mason's trichrome then examined microscopically. Histological changes included minimal unilateral suppurative inflammation in and around the retractor bulbi muscles. Eyes were histologically normal. This study demonstrates the potential use of the retro-orbital venous sinus for systemic administration of therapeutic or treatment agents and strongly supports the use of pilot studies in choosing a route of administration.
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CHAMPS Study Group. Interferon beta-1a for optic neuritis patients at high risk for multiple sclerosis. J Ophthalmol 2001; 132: 463-71. Arnold AC. Optic neuritis. Saudi J Ophthalmol 2002; 16: 207-18.
This review addresses three related bone marrow failure diseases, the study of which has generated important insights in hematopoiesis, red cell biology, and immune-mediated blood cell injury. In Section I, Dr. Young summarizes the current knowledge of acquired aplastic anemia. In most patients, an autoimmune mechanism has been inferred from positive responses to nontransplant therapies and laboratory data. Cytotoxic T cell attack, with production of type I cytokines, leads to hematopoietic stem cell destruction and ultimately pancytopenia; this underlying mechanism is similar to other human disorders of lymphocyte-mediated, tissuespecific organ destruction diabetes, multiple sclerosis, uveitis, colitis, etc. ; . The antigen that incites disease is unknown in aplastic anemia as in other autoimmune diseases; post-hepatitis aplasia is an obvious target for virus discovery. Aplastic anemia can be effectively treated by either stem cell transplantation or immunosuppression. Results of recent trials with antilymphocyte globulins and high dose cyclophosphamide are reviewed. Dr. Abkowitz discusses the diagnosis and clinical approach to patients with acquired pure red cell aplasia, both secondary and idiopathic, in Section II. The pathophysiology of various PRCA syndromes including immunologic inhibition of red cell differentiation, viral infection especially human.
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T. brucei MITat 1.2 VSG-variant 221 ; of the monomorphic strain EATRO 427 were used throughout the experiments. Bloodstream forms were grown in axenic culture at 371C and 5% CO2 as described earlier.6, 62 For the experiments described here, parasites were taken from frozen stabilates, seeded at a cell density of 2 105 cells ml and grown for about 18 h until a cell density of 8 105 cell ml was reached. By adding fresh media, cells were adjusted to 2 105 trypanosomes ml and split into the desired number of individual culture flasks. At the same time, PGs or ethanol were added at the denoted concentrations and cells were grown at 371C in a CO2 incubator. All experiments were performed at least in triplicate and tarceva!
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Tourette was struck by the similarities in the symptoms of the three syndromes. The Jumping Frenchmen, latah, and miryachit all seemed to involve movement abnormalities not readily consistent with chorea or hysteria. Perhaps reasoning that if there were Jumping Frenchmen in Maine there ought to be Jumping Frenchmen in France, Tourette began to search Charcot's clinic for patients with similar presentations. His search led him to a 15-year-old boy who probably represents the first description by Tourette of the disorder that now bears his name. Tourette wrote and targretin.
Drugs acting through the GR are widely used in the clinical setting, but the evaluation of their effects at the target cell level is impossible with antibody-based methods, receptorbinding assays, or methods based on the use of mass spectrometry, because of the different transcriptional properties of hGR agonists and antagonists. We have, therefore, developed a bioassay that employs responses of living mammalian cells to any permeable ligand that activates hGR. Although the bioactivities of glucocorticoids have been previously evaluated using transactivation assays 22, 23 ; the current bioassay is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to quantify GBA directly in human serum. The property of the assay to differentiate between glucocorticoid biopotencies suggests that it enables investigation of circulating glucocorticoid milieu also in patients on long-term systemic glucocorticoid therapy, who usually display suppressed endogenous cortisol levels. The order of biopotencies of selected glucocorticoids measured by the assay is in agreement with that observed previously using A549 cells 22 ; . Glucocorticoid-dependent reporter gene ac.
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Fig. 5. Number of colony-forming unit-fibroblast CFU-F, A ; and CFUgranulocyte-macrophage CFU-GM, B ; in the cell cultures isolated from 0.5-, 5-, 10-, and 24-mo-old rats. Number of both CFU-F and CFU-GM cells declined dramatically with age. AJP-Heart Circ Physiol VOL and tarka.
| Tao logonPlanet: Proceedings of the 4th International Crop Science Congress, 25 Sept1 Oct 2004, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Fisher T, Turner N, Angus J, McIntyre L, Robertson M, Borrell A and Lloyd D, eds. ; . Brisbane, Queensland, Australia: cropscience .au. Sharma HC, Taneja SL, Leuschner K and Nwanze KF. 1992. Techniques to screen sorghums for resistance to insects. Information Bulletin no. 32. Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 48 pp. Sharma HC, Taneja SL, Kameswara Rao N and Prasada Rao KE. 2003. Evaluation of sorghum germplasm for resistance to insect pests. Information Bulletin no. 63. Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 184 pp. Singh BU. 2002. Genetic variability and selection criteria for resistance to spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus Swinhoe ; in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor L. ; Moench]. Ph.D. Thesis. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India: Department of Genetics, Osmania University. Tao YZ, Hardy A, Drenth J, Henzell RG, Franzmann BA, Jordan DR, Butler DG and McIntyre CL. 2003. Identifications of two different mechanisms for sorghum midge resistance through QTL mapping. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107: 116122. Uknes S, Dincher S, Friedrich L, Negrotto D, Williams S, Thompson-Taylor H, Potter S, Ward E and Ryals J. 1993. Regulation of pathogenesis-related Protein-1a gene expression in tobacco. Plant Cell 5: 159169. Vaeck M, Reynaerts A, Hofte H, Jansens S, DeBeuckleer M, Dean C, Zabeau M, Van Montagu M and Leemans J. 1987. Transgenic plants protected from insect attack. Nature 327: 3337. Venkateswaran K. 2003. Diversity analysis and identification of sources of resistance to downy mildew, shoot fly and stem borer in wild sorghums. Ph.D. Thesis. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India: Department of Genetics, Osmania University. Ward ER, Uknes SJ, Williams SC, Dincher SS, Wiederhold DL, Aleander DC, Ahl-Goy P, Metraux JP and Ryals JA. 1991. Coordinate gene activity in response to agents that induce systemic acquired resistance. Plant Cell 3: 10851094. Xu D, McElroy D, Thoraburg RW and Wu R. 1993. Systemic induction of a potato pin 2 promoter by wounding methyl jasmonate and abscisic acid in transgenic rice plants. Plant Molecular Biology 22: 573588.
When compared to surgery, arthroscopy has been shown to cause significantly less perioperative morbidity with a more rapid return to function. Studies have shown less post-operative synovial inflammation and more rapid resolution with arthroscopy vs. arthrotomy. The operating diameter of the arthroscopes and other instrument ports are between 2-3mm, creating minimal disruption to the joint capsule and supporting structures. This technique minimizes periarticular fibroplasia and adhesion formation, facilitating physical rehabilitation and a more complete return to function. A recent large case study comparing surgical vs. arthroscopic treatment of elbow dysplasia OCD FCP and taxol.
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The formative evaluation indicated a strong acceptance of the TAO as an effective learning tool. Representative written comments from the online survey asking "What was the best feature of this multimedia program?", are shown. It is very clinically oriented which is brilliant since books do not often highlight important principles the distinctions between concepts and details in the question are critical, therefore very relevant. The fact that we could type in our own answers and for the program to analyse what we got right instead of us choosing from a number of given answers. The use of pairs of students enhanced the learning experience by promoting a collaborative approach. Students were strongly engaged in debate and argument about the inclusion or exclusion of anatomical concepts and details. Most pairs of students tended to refine the first attempt a number of times before having the response analysed. The concern expressed by some academic staff that a student would merely access the expert answer almost immediately was unfounded for two reasons. The first reason was student motivation when asked why they didn't look at the expert answer immediately, students stated that doing so was a `waste of time' because it wouldn't help them learn. The second reason is more pragmatic TAO requires a student to click on a submit button in the first iteration of an answer before providing access to the Get Answer button Figure 3 ; . A similar lack of concern was expressed in regard to the lack of a spell checking mechanism they believed they should know how to spell the terms. Not all comments were positive and some of these responses have resulted in changes in functionality of the TAO. In response to `What was the worst feature of this multimedia program?', students stated the following. No indication of how much is expected in answering a question. Having to sift through expert ; answers to find what you hadn't included in your own answer ; . Maybe at times being too pedantic about details. There is no half way between your incorrect answer and you not knowing how to improve it ; and the correct answer ie there were no hints to guide you through coming up with a correct answer ; . In response to `Any more comments or suggestions for improvement?', students stated the following. Providing hints at second attempts and . having a help file with a list of anatomical terms which can be accessed. Just enhance the text analysis flexibility sample a wide proportion of possible answers. Highlight the number of marks per question so we can judge the amount of detail required. In response to these comments two changes are being made to the TAO software engine. The mark for each question is displayed with the question stem to provide a guide for the relative complexity of the answer required sometimes students would answer a why question when a where answer was required, see Table 2 and Table 1 ; . The second change is more fundamental. The TAO is to be incorporated into a Web-based course providing access to hints and online help to support student learning. In addition to the extended comments above ; , the student responses to bipolar Likert-style questions which focused on the potential educational value of TAO ; were analysed. The responses are shown in Table 3 the responses were scored: 1, strongly disagree; 2, disagree; 3, no opinion; 4, agree; and 5, strongly agree.
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| P153 Genetic study on reproduction isolation between Oryza sativa and O. longistaminata Fengyi Hu, Peng Xu, Xiangneng Deng, Jiawu Zhou, Fei Li, Jing Li, Dayun Tao Food Crops Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650205, China Oryza logistaminata is a wild species of rice that grows widely throughout tropical Africa, which is characterized by long anther, self-incompatibility, allogamy and rhizomatous stem bases, and belongs to AA genome same as O. sativa. Based on SSR map constructed from F2 interspecific hybrid population contained 227 individuals and 181 SSR markers, the relationship between marker distortion and pollen fertility, which is further divided in typical, spherical, stainable and fertile pollen grain, were employed to elucidate reproduction isolation between O. sativa and O. longistaminata. Totally, 23 skewness points distributed on chromosome 1, 2, 4, based on marker distortion between the two species were detected. QTL mapping for pollen fertility of same materials collected from different ecological conditions different seasons ; indicated that 10 sterility QTLs were identified. It indicates that the reproduction isolation between O. sativa and O. longistaminata is mainly controlled by some sterility loci located on chromosome 1, 3, 6, respectively. To understand the nature of these sterility QTLs detected in F2 population, 19 sterile BC5 near isogenic lines NILs ; in O. sativa background were developed based on phentotyping selection from BC1 to BC5, from these 14 sterility loci were detected. These sterility locations on BC5 are identified to those from F2. Up to now, the BC6 population derived from BC5 individuals possessed sterility location has been used to fine mapping of single pollen sterility loci. One of the new pollen sterility gene was mapped to the interval between RM555 1.2centimorgans cM and RM423 1.5 cM ; on rice chromosome 2. The sterility gene was named S30 t ; since on this chromosome region there is no report of pollen sterility gene from O. longistaminata. With the understanding of the sterile nature between the two species, the reproduction barrier would be overcome, which would facilitate the utilization of the favorable traits from O. longistaminata. The strategy to map the complex traits from QTLs to single Mendel factor was discussed and taxotere.
GRANTS This work was supported by National Institutes of Health National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Grant R01-DK-59558. ajprenal.
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